Page 27 - hart1987yearbook
P. 27

                                      Cristine Diane Anthony
                                    1)  Frosh-Soph  volleyball
                                    Coach 's  Award,  basketball  (4
                                    yrs.), flower girl  '86 graduation,
                                    CSF  2)  Being with  " The Gang"
                                    after  football  games,  driving
                                    FOREVER  with  Lisa  .3)  " The
                                    most  important  things  in  life
                                    aren't  things"  4)  CSUN,  busi-
                                    ness major, one day an exec. VP
                                    of major company

              Tony Araki
        1)  Soccer,  intramural  sports  2)
        Playing  soccer  and  intramural                                                       Julie Ashton Armstrong
        sports .3)  " I  love to play soccer                                                 1.) Basketball (.3 yrs.), volleyball,
        and  intramural  sports. "   4)                                                      CSF  VP,  Yearbook  2)  Lunches
        Someday become a soccer play-                                                        with Steve N., " Steve" jokes with
        er and be involved with intramu-                                                     Kim, good times with Jen, all my
        ral  sports                                                                          cuts,  basketball .3)  " lt"s  not my
                                                                                             fault rm always right: · 4) Litera-
                                                                                             ture professor at a major Univer-
                                                                                             sity,  writing  an  intense  philo-
                                                                                             sophical  novel
                                         Jennifer Arndt
                                   1.)  Marching  and  symphonic
                                   band (4 yrs.),  SCV  Honor Band,
                                   Chieftans, Concert Choir, Sound
                                   Vibes,  S.Ca.  and All-State Choir
                                   2) Portland band trip '84,  Santa
                                   Barbara  '86  .3)  " Two  people
                                   does not a  line make.,,  4) 4  yr.
                                   college,  music major,  hopefully
                                   get a job

                                                                                                  Steven Ashburn
                                                                                             1.)  Team  Calculus  life member,
                                                                                             soccer  -  Foothill  League
                                                                                             Champs,  From The Fourth Side
                                                                                             2)  Mambo-mambo,  New Yr:s in
                                                                                             Pasadena, suspended by my fa-
                                                                                             vorite  human  -  Mrs.  Huenink,
                                                                                             Dan's BIG party .3)  " Welcome to
                                                                                             Taco  Bell.  May  I  help  you?"  4)
              Eric Arnold                                                                    London  with  FTFS,  world  tour
        1) Basketball~4 yrs.), Letterman                                                     '97
        (.3  yrs.},  Second  Team  All-
        League 2 ) Beating Canyon by .30
        points,  losing  to  Saugus  by  60
        points (.3 times) .3)  " He who dies
        with  the  most  toys  wins. "  4)
        CSUN,  mechanical  engineering

                                                                                                    Cheryl  Baca
                                                                                             1) Jr. Class Sec.,  Sr. Class Sec.,
                                                                                             Student  League  (Treas.),
                                           Paul  Avila                                       HMNMH  Deb 2) Beach trips with
                                    1)  Academic  Decathlon,  foot-                          Stacy,  Fri.  nights,  Homecoming
                                    ball, USKMO 2) Brit.  Lit. oral re-
                                                                                             float,  Sat.  nights  with  Dave  .3)
                                    port , that night with  the varsity                      "Are  you  cold?"  4)  Letting  the
                                    team  .3)  " The  sleep  of  reason
                                                                                             good times roll
                                    breeds monsters."  -  Goya

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