Page 32 - hart1987yearbook
P. 32

Sareen  Bryne
                                                                                             1)  Cosmetology,  passed  state
                                                                                             board,  received  cosmetology  li-
                                                                                             cense  2)  Cosmetology,  brunch
                                                                                             with the guys, weekend with the
                                                                                             bums 3)  " Too bad,  so  sad. "  4)
                                                                                             Attend  CSU  Bakersfield,  busi-
                                          Timothy Bruns
                                                                                             ness major,  open hair salon

            Jennifer Buhman
                                                                     Robert Bulsombath
        1) Academic  Decath,  Vars.  bas-
        ketball,  Optimist  Essay  First
        Place, CSF, JV volleyball &  soft-
        ball, Nat'I Merit Award Commen-
        dation 2) Does not apply 3) " It is
        not  true  that  life  is  one  damn
        thing  after  another,  it  is  one
        damn  thing  over  and  over."  4)
        Paying off student loans

                                                                                                   Robert Burnell
                                                                                             1)  Academic  Decath.,  USKMO,
                                        Kimberly Burkhead                                    other meaningless  time-wasters
                                    1)  Living  through  3  1/ 2  yrs  of                    2)  The  night  with  the  football
                                    French  2)  Yahtzee  with  Funa-                         team 3) " Why do today what you
                                    chello,  adventures  with  Niko,                         can  put  off  til  tomorrow?"  4)
                                    the  byrd,  Cindy  from  Saugus,                         Sleep, sex, and alcohol for a few
                                    the  baymobile,  the  boo  boo                           yrs., and then settling down to a
                                    bug,  living  up  to  bay  woman                         respectable desk job
                                    rep.,  Angel,  Michael,  Cindy,
                                    Noelle  3)  " Yo,  baby,  yo,  baby,
                                    yo!"  4) Millionare, have a harem
                                    of men

                                                                     Dominique Cabrera
                                                                 1)  Drum  major,  flag  team  co-
                                                                 capt., sound vibes crew, concert
                                                                 choir,  CSF,  flower  girl,  stud.
                                                                 leag., tea &  fashion  2)  San  Luis
                                                                 Obispo,  sound  vibes,  Matt's
                                          Waldene  Cabral        wake  up  calls  3)  " If you  want
                                                                 rainbows  you 've  got  to  put  up
                                                                 with  the  rain. "  4)  ERAU  or Cal
                                                                 Poly SLO, Areonautical engineer

            Michael  Calderon                                                                     Richard  Calderon
        1) FBLA, Stud. gov·t, stud. leag.,                                                   1)  Got  a  girlfriend  2)  Snowball
        AEE,  drama, SADD,  Terrible 21,                                                     fight in parking lot 3) "Lower it!"
        vars. baseball mang., mock trial,                                                    4) Certified welder with  my own
        JV soccer 2)  Terrible  21  antics,                                                  company
        riding 4 nordica wolves &  falling
        off,  New  Yrs.  ,  finding  Kim  3)
        " Yeah , that's it! "  4) Making mil-
        lions,  con·t  Calderon  Dynasty,
        aquiring  the  most toys
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