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Page 3                                               News                                       Hart Beat

                  Spanish Language Tours

         It seems our Spanish Language tours are growing                          Do I Smell

         every month! The feedback we have received has                           BIRTHDAY Cake               ??

         led  us  to  standardizing  the  tours  to  the  second
         Sunday of the month going forward. This should                            Phyllis Dozier  02/26

         make  it  easier  for  everybody  and  help  Spanish
         speaking visitors to better plan their trips. If you,

         or anyone you know is interested in and able to
         give one of these tours, please let us know.

                                                            This month in history

                                                       On February 7th in 1940, Disney premiered

                                                       it’s second feature-length movie Pinocchio.
                                                       Charles Cristadoro worked for Disney at the

                                                       time and created models for the animators
                                                       to use as reference, including one of Pinoc-

                                                       chio. Prior to this, Cristadoro made several
                                                       sculptures for Bill.

                                            Volunteers wanted

                        Know anyone looking to get more involved in the Hart Muse-
                        um? Have any friends interested in volunteering? If you do or

                        come across anyone, feel free to pass on my email or the

                        museum phone number . We would love to meet with them
                        and see if they are a good fit. We are always looking for new

                        faces to help us expand our programs.

                        Email Phone 661-254-4584
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