Page 3 - hartbeat0318
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Page 3                                               News                                       Hart Beat

                  New volunteer shifts

         We  are  opening  up  an  additional  shift  on  Satur-
         days  to  compliment  our  Crafterday  activities.  It

         does  not  have  to  be  the  whole  day,  but  enough                                               ??
         time to help us expand our craft capabilities. Cur-

         rently  we  are  limited  to  only  self-directed  pro-                   Roger Basham 03/8
         jects, but with the right person we can really ex-                        Joy Wilson 03/15

         pand our offerings.

         Do  you  love  to  craft  or  play  with  kids?  Are  you

         available Saturdays? If so, this may be perfect for
         you. Just let us know and we can prepare you for

         crafting fun!

                                                                 Now that’s funny!

                                                       Do you have any funny stories to share from

                                                       your tours? Are there any good jokes you
                                                       use with visitors you’d like to share? This

                                                       new section is the perfect place to do that
                                                       sort of thing. Just let me know before next

                                                       month and I will be sure to include it in the
                                                       upcoming Newsletter.

                                            Volunteers wanted

                        Know anyone looking to get more involved in the Hart Muse-
                        um? Have any friends interested in volunteering? If you do or

                        come across anyone, feel free to pass on my email or the

                        museum phone number . We would love to meet with them
                        and see if they are a good fit. We are always looking for new

                        faces to help us expand our programs.

                        Email Phone 661-254-4584
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