Page 13 - honbycookbook1970s
P. 13

Spanish  Hamburger  Dish
                            Duarte  Family


            1  lb.  hamburger
            1  can  (small)  green  beans
               tsp.  salt
               tsp.  garlic  salt
               cup  chopped  onion
            2  large  potatoes  diced
            1  small  can  tomato  sauce
            1  cup  water


            Fry  hamburger  untill  partly  cooked
            add  salt,  garlic,  onion,  tomato
            sauce,  water  &  potatoes,  cook  20
            minutes,  add  green  beans  with
            juice  &  simmer  5  more  minutes.

            Serves  5  to  7

            Hint•  Check  potatoes,  so  they
            don't  get  to  soft.

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