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March  9,  198 2

            Mr.  J.A.  Rugg
            Regional  Engineer
            Southern  Pacific  Transportation  Co.
            610  So.  Main  Street
            Los  Angeles,  CA        90014

            REFERENCE:        Your  Letter  #602-2,  Dated  3-5-1982
                              addressed  to  Ms.  Neal  Harris

            SUBJECT:       Donation  of  (270)  track  feet  of  rail,  ties  &  trim  to
                           Santa  Clarita  Valley  Historical  Society

            Dear  Mr.  Rugg:

            In  accordance  with  the  referenced  letter  please  find  attached  the·
            duly  executed  "Donation  Letter  of  Agreement"  covering  the  very
            generous  and  welcome  donation  of  the  track,  ties  and  trim  by
            Southern  Pacific.

            This  much  appreciated  donation  by  the  Southern  Pacific
            Transportation  Company  will  now  enable  the  Santa  Clarita  Valley
            Historical  Society  to  move  and  place  on  display  our  Steam
            Locomotive-#1629  and  Tender  which  was  operated  by  Southern
            Pacific  from  1900  to  1955  (it  was  last  serviced  in  Yuma,  1955).

            Engine  No.  16 29  is  a      11  Mogul"  type,  class  M4,  2-6-0.          It  was
            donated  to  us  by  Mr.  Gene  Autry  several  months  ago  and  in  order
            to  place  it  at  our  Society  Headquarters  (the  restored  Southern
            Pacific  "Saugus"  Station  which  we  moved  over  3  miles  to  Newhall)
           · we  desparately  needed  the  track,  ties  and  trim.                 With  this  much
            needed  donation  the  Southern  Pacific  Transporation  Co.  has  solved
            that  problem.

            We  are  most  anxious  to  get  on  with  our  project  and  would  again
            seek  your  help  and  assistance  in            transporting  and  iaying  the
            track  at  our  Saugus  Station".               If  you  would  advise  me  the  name
            or  names  of  the  people  we  should  work  with  in  seeing  this  track                   11
            program  to  a  successful  conclusion  we  would  be  happy  to  work  with
            whomever  you  designate.

                                         P.O. Box  875  •  Newhall  •  California  •  91322
                                                     Founded MCMLXXV
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