Page 3 - hs9201
P. 3

'!he  Honorable  Board  of .supervisors
           Jtme  11,  1992                           .
           PaJe  2

           Additionally,  up::lated  standard contract  language pertainirxJ  to the  followin;J  areas
           is l:eing  included:

                 Provisions  covering Museum  staff arrl  laws  regarding ernployrt¥=nt.

                 Provisions  covering  Mvertising  an:l  Praocrtional  Materials,  arrl  Credit  in
                 PrcmJtional Materials.

                 Provisions covering General  In:lemnification  arrl  Insurance Requirerrents.

                 Provisions  covering Non-Discrimination Requirements.

           'Ihis  arnerrlment  is  exempt  in  accordance  with  Class  4,              (j)  of  the  County
           Environmental  Dc:cument  Reportin;J  Procedures  arrl  Guidelines  adopted  by  your  Board
           on  November  17,  1987,  involving  minor  alterations  of  County--cMned  property.  In
           addition,  this arnerrlment  is also exempt  urrler  the  following  state CEO)\  Guidelines:
           Section  15301       (c),  operation,  ma.intenance  arrl  minor  alteration  involving
           negligible  expansion  of  use  beyon:1  the  previously  existing  facilities;  Section
           15303  (e),  cxmstruction  of  limited  mnnbers  of  new  small  facilities;  arrl  Sections
           15304  (a)  &  (b),  graclin:J  on  larrl  of  less  than  10%  arrl  newly  larrlscaped.        'Ihe
           attached  amerrlment  has  been  execute:1  by  the  Society  arrl  awrc,ved  as  to  f onn  by
           County  Counsel.


           1.    Firrl  that this  ~ is exerrpt  from  CEO)\.

          2.    Approve  arrl  instruct  the  to  sign  the  attached  Arnerrlrrent  No.  1  to
                h1reeoon"t  No.  36711  with the Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society.

          It is requested that a  certified copy  of your Board's  action  in this matter  an:i  an
          exea.rted  copy  of  the  arnerrlment  1:e  mailed  to  the  Santa  Clarita  Valley  Historical
          Society,  P.O.  Box  875,  Newhall,  CA  91322,  Attention:  Mr.  John  Mann.  Also  a
          confonned  copy  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Auditor-controller,  Comty  Counsel  arrl
          Cltlef  Mrninistrative  Officer,  with  four  (4)  duplicate  confonned  copies  fonrarded
          to the  Dep:lrtment.





         c:     Executive Officer  (22)
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