Page 17 - laco_ovov_final_2010
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3.8 Cultural Resources

               Effectiveness of Proposed Area Plan Policies

               Implementation of the proposed Area Plan policies related to historic resources would reduce the effects

               of growth and development by (1) requiring development proposals be evaluated for the presence of
               historic resources and (2) by protecting historic buildings from demolition by undergoing review of
               appropriate documentation (i.e., cultural resource reports) as seen in mitigation measure MM 3.8-1.

               Plan to Plan Analysis

               Both the proposed Area Plan and the existing Area Plan contain policies that address the protection of
               historical properties. However, this EIR would provide mitigation which would reduce potential impacts
               to historic buildings. Consequently, the proposed Area Plan would have fewer impacts when compared
               to the existing Area Plan.

               Impact 3.8-2          The Area Plan will cause a potentially substantial adverse change in the
                                     significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to Section 15064.5.

               In the protection and management of the cultural environment, State CEQA Guidelines provides
               definitions and standards for cultural resource management. The term "unique archaeological resource"
               has the following meaning according to CEQA :

               "An archaeological artifact, object, or site about which it can be clearly demonstrated that without merely

               adding to the current body of knowledge, there is a high probability that it meets any of the following

               1.  Contains information needed to answer important scientific research questions, and there is a
                   demonstrable public interest in that information.

               2.  Has a special and particular quality, such as the oldest of its type or the best available example of its

               3.  Is directly associated with a scientifically recognized important prehistoric or historic event or

               The County’s Planning Area is rich with many different cultural and archeological resources with many

               of the potential archeological resources still buried under soil. The disturbance of the soil has the
               potential to uncover any unknown resources that have contributed to the contribution of California’s
               history. The implementation of the Area Plan would have the potential to negatively impact these

               24  State CEQA Guidelines, Section 21083.2

               Impact Sciences, Inc.                        3.8-17              One Valley One Vision Revised Draft Program EIR
               0112.023                                                                   County of Los Angeles Area Plan
                                                                                                    November 2010
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