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3.8 Cultural Resources

               resources. If a site is deemed to have an archeological resource then the appropriate measures will be
               applied. If the site does not meet the criteria defined 25  but meets the definition of a unique archeological
               resource, the site shall be treated in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines 26  (Policy CO 5.1.1). As the
               County approaches buildout there is the potential to demolish existing buildings which are in the

               timeline or timeframe of becoming historic landmarks or buildings. Implementation of Policies CO 5.1.1
               through CO 5.1.3 would reduce the impacts to less than significant.

               As stated in State CEQA Guidelines 27  and in Senate Bill 18 the notification to any of the appropriate
               California Native American tribes via the contact list maintained by the California Native American
               Heritage Commission would be conducted on a project-by-project basis by the County (Policy CO 5.3.1).
               Notification to the Native American Heritage Commission for contacting the appropriate tribes would be

               required on a project-by-project basis (Policy CO 5.3.2). Policy CO 5.3.3 requires the appropriate
               environmental impact analysis that is required by CEQA. Vasquez Rocks and the Santa Clara River have
               been designated open space on the Land Use Map (Policy LU 6.4.3). The identification and preservation
               areas for open space would help conserve and protect significant cultural and historical resources (Policy

               CO 10.1.4 and Policies LU 6.4.3 and LU 6.4.6). The incorporation of designating open space in these
               sensitive areas would further (Policy CO 10.1.4 and Policies LU 6.4.3 and LU 6.4.6) the County to add
               more recreation areas. The preservation of open space within the County’s Planning Area would be
               consistent with the proposed Area Plan.

               Proposed Area Plan Policies

               Policy CO 5.3.1:      For any proposed Area Plan Amendment, Specific Plan, or Specific Plan
                                     Amendment, notify and consult with any California Native American tribes on
                                     the contact list maintained by the California Native American Heritage

                                     Commission that have traditional lands within the County’s jurisdiction,
                                     regarding any potential impacts to Native American resources from the
                                     proposed action, pursuant to State guidelines.

               Policy CO 5.3.2:      For any proposed development project that may have a potential impact on
                                     Native American cultural resources, provide notification to California Native
                                     American tribes on the contact list maintained by the Native American Heritage

               25  State CEQA Guidelines, Section 15064.5(a)
               26  California Public Resources Code, Section 21084.1; State CEQA Guidelines 15126.4
               27  California Public Resources Code, Section 21084.1; State CEQA Guidelines, Section 15064

               Impact Sciences, Inc.                        3.8-18              One Valley One Vision Revised Draft Program EIR
               0112.023                                                                   County of Los Angeles Area Plan
                                                                                                    November 2010
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