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LOS ANGELES CONSERVANCY                                Preservation Report Card |  2014

                                                        – Guide to Using the California Environmental Quality Act
                                                          (CEQA) – available in English and Spanish, this introductory
                                                          guide outlines the basics of CEQA and how you can use it to
                                                          protect historic places in your community.

                                                        – Incentives for Preserving Historic Buildings – an overview of
                                                          incentives available for residential and commercial structures.

                                                        – Glossary of Preservation Terms – quick definitions of com-
                                                          monly used terms in historic preservation.

                                                   • Review the overall chart on the Report Card microsite on our website,
                                                     and find other communities that have higher scores in your area of
                                                     interest. Visit their community pages on our website (under Explore
                                                    L.A.), as well as their own websites, and review any relevant materials
                                                     they offer, such as historic resources surveys.

                                                   • Attend workshops and/or conferences on topics such as CEQA,
                                                    local landmarks, historic districts, and more. Workshops are offered
                                                    periodically by a number of groups, including the Conservancy
                                                    and the California Preservation Foundation. For more information,
                                                    visit the Upcoming Events page of our website at

                                                 At any point in the process, please feel free to contact the Conservancy for
                                                 personalized technical assistance. You can reach us at (213) 623-2489 or

       Top: The City of Lancaster’s 1940 post office, an increasingly
          threatened building type across L.A. County and the U.S.
                          Photo by Thomas Hart on Flickr.
     Bottom: Despite the significance of the Bowler Residence (1965),
           Rancho Palos Verdes offers no preservation ordinance.
                            Photo by Conservancy staff.

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