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LOS ANGELES CONSERVANCY                                Preservation Report Card |  2014

                                                 ELEMENTS OF A STRONG PRESERVATION PROGRAM

                                                 Historic Preservation Ordinance

                                                 A local historic preservation ordinance is one of the most important tools
                                                 a community can use to protect historic resources. The effectiveness of a
                                                 preservation ordinance depends on its scope and language, and ordi-
                                                 nances vary greatly among jurisdictions. Their basic provisions enable a
                                                 community to designate significant local sites as historic, list them on a
                                                                local listing of historic resources, and provide a level of
                                                                protection through a design review process.

                                                                These  designated  sites  are  referred  to  by  a  variety  of
                                                                names, such as “historic landmark” or “historic-cultural
                                                                monument,” depending on the jurisdiction. A preserva-
                                                                tion ordinance outlines the criteria the community has es-
                                                                tablished for designating such landmarks.

                                                                These criteria are often based on those used by both the
                                                                National Register of Historic Places and the California
                                                                Register of Historical Places, which in turn are based on
                                                                generally accepted preservation standards. Each commu-
                                                                nity can tailor its designation criteria to reflect the specific
                                                                significance of the community’s unique local resources.

                                                 Strong local historic preservation ordinances require that requests for
                                                 building permits for designated structures be reviewed by city staff or a
                                                 special local commission to ensure that proposed alterations conform to
                                                 preservation standards. They also give the city the power to deny permits
                                                 for inappropriate alterations or demolitions. In order to protect a signifi-
                                                 cant structure from demolition or severe alteration by its owner, a strong
                                                 preservation ordinance does not require owner consent for a historic re-
                                                 source to be designated.

                                                 Ordinances that require owner consent, or that allow the owner to have a
                   Top: The lack of a preservation ordinance in
               Palos Verdes Estates led to the 2012 demolition of   designation removed, are far less effective in using landmark designation
              the highly intact Moore House (Lloyd Wright, 1959).   as a method for protecting threatened resources. Weaker preservation or-
                  Photo by Adrian Scott Fine/L.A. Conservancy.
                                                 dinances do not prevent demolition of a designated resource, but merely
                   Bottom: The Moore House after demolition.   delay demolition for a set number of days. The weakest ordinances con-
                      Photo by Flora Chou/L.A. Conservancy.
                                                 tain no language regarding the protection of the designated resource: such
                                                 designated sites enjoy only honorary status and no protections at all.

                                                 A few communities have a “scorched-earth” provision in their ordinances.
                                                 This provision prohibits new construction on a site for a set period of time
                                                 after an illegal demolition has occurred.

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