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            The first  theater  the  Merced,  was  opened  in  1870,  next  door  to  the  Pico House  which
                   was  built  in  1869   cAdjoining  the  theater  is  the  first  Temple
                               erected  by  the  Masons

                 A Yankee  Priate Becomes   a "First Citizen''
            HE  Buenos  Aires  raider,  in  an  attack  upon  the  Ortego  Rancho  near  Santa
         T Barbara,  lost  one  of  its  swashbuckling  crew  and  a  very  good  man  he  turned  out
          to  be.  Don  Ortego,  assisted  by  Don  Lugo  and  their  vaqueros,  neatly  bagged  the
          scamp  as  he  leaped  from  a  boat,  cutlass  in  hand,  bent  upon  loot.  He  was  taken
          down  the  coast  to  Los  Angeles  and  proved  to  be  Joseph  Chapman,  a  Yankee  ship-
          builder,  who  had  been  shanghaied  at  Honolulu.
             As  men  of  his  skill  were  very  much  needed,  he  was  put  on  probation,  also  put
          to  work  in  charge  of  a  squad  getting  out  lumber  at  "Church  Canyon,"  back  of
          Mount  Wilson.   Finishing  his  period  of  probation,  with  Yankee  adaptability  he
         became  a  good  Californian,  won  and  married  Guadalupe  Ortego,  and  settled  down
          upon  a  big  rancho  near  San  Gabriel.  Here,  with  his  children  about  him,  he  was
          discovered  by  Jedediah  Smith  in  1826,  first  of  the  English  tongue  to  locate  in
             Chapman  served  his  captors  well,  and  died  among  the  people  who  loved  and
         respected  him.  The  first  water-run  grist  mill  in  California,  built  for  Father  Zalvidea,
         was  his  handiwork.  He  also  built  a  schooner  for  the  padres,  to  be  used  by  them
          in  their  otter  hunting.  But  his  most  notable  achievement  was  the  construction  of  the
         old  Plaza  Church,  standing  today- Church  of  Our  Lady  the  Queen  of  the  Angels.
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