Page 21 - lareina1929
P. 21


           St  cAthanasius  episcopal  Church,  first  Protestant  house  of  worship,  was  erected  in  1864
                  and  stood  on  southwest  corner  of  'Temple  and  New  High  Streets
         finally  got  his  throne  back  from  Joseph  Bonaparte,  he  found  the  colonial  empire
         tottering.  By  1810  the  rebellion  in  Mexico  was  well started;  by  1815  it  had  spread
         to  South  America,  and  by  1821  Spain  found  herself  left  with  only  Cuba  and  a  few
         small  islands  in  all  the  New  World.
             During  the  revolt,  Spain  had  the  sympathy  of  California.  But  the  Mother
         Country  could  not  reward  her  colony  for  its  loyalty  with  so  much  as  salaries  for  the
         officials,  the  soldiery  or  the  priests.   She,  in  fact,  was  powerless  even  to  sail  her
         ships  on  the  Pacific.  If  it  had  not  been  for  the  contraband  trade,  California  might
         not  have  maintained  her  economic  existence.  As  it  was,  her  capital,  Monterey  was
         destroyed,  the  great  Ortego  Rancho  was  raided,  and  Mission  San  Juan  Capistrano
         was  ransacked  by  a  Buenos  Aires  privateer  which  considered  the  loyal  colony  rightful
         prey   It  was  in  the  month  of  March,  1822,  that  word  finally  came  from  Mexico
         telling  of  Spain's  relinquishment  of  her  Western  possessions.   A  new  oath  of  alle-
         giance  to  Mexico  was  taken  without  delay  and  a  new  flag  was  raised  over  the  Plaza
         at  the  Pueblo  of  Los  Angeles.  No  one  objected.

            "Don  Abel's s  Palacio,"  as  it  was  known,  stood  where  the  Baker  Block  now  stands;
                       and  as  its  name  indicates,  was  an  elegant  affair  "
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