Page 16 - lareina1929
P. 16


             When  Pio  Pico  built  the  Pico  H ouse  in  1869  it  was  the  finest  hotel  in  the  Southwest.
                 It  was  the  terminus  of  the  Banning stages  which  ran  to  Wilmin gton.
          said.  Governor  De  Neve  addressed  the  little  company  and  closed  the  ceremony  of
          founding  El  Pueblo  de  Nuestra  Senora  la  Reina  de  Los  Angeles  by  ordering  the
          house  lots  assigned  to  each  of  the  settlers.  A  guard  was  then  stationed  and  camp
          made  for  the  night."
             And  thus  came  into  being  a  great  American  city  destined,  as  many  predict,
          to  be  the  great  American  city   Whatever  the  outcome,  its  start  is  a  matter  of  record.
          Its  origin  is  not  shrouded  in  mystery   "It  did  not  just  happen."   It  was  deliberately
          planned,  and  upon  the  4th  day  of  September,  1931  it  will  have  seen  its  first  150
             The  names  of  its  first  land-owners  are  known,  and  the  location  of  their  posses•
          sions;  for  in  the  Bancroft  Library  1s  a  map  showing  all  this.

            The Courthouse  in  1869   It  stood  on  the  site  of  the  new  City  Hall.  Erected first  by
                        Don Juan Temple as  a  market  and  meeting  hall.
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