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tall,  skinny  youth  from  Min-
              neapolis,  just  discharged  from
              the  Army,  drove  out  to  Cali-
         A  fornia  10  years  ago  to  soak  up
        some  sun  and  swim  in  the  Pacific
        Ocean.  He  figured  he  had  enough
        money  for  a  fortnight  of  lollygagging
        before going back to the cold of Min-
        nesota  and  a  crack  at  getting  some
        sort  of job.
          A  few  weeks  later  he  was  earning
        $400  a  week playing the role of one of
        Loretta  Young's  brothers  in  the  film,
        "The  Farmer's  Daughter."  Today  he
        earns  considerably  more  than  $400  a
        week as Marshal Matt Dillon on CBS's
        adult  Western  series,  Gunsmoke.
          James  Arness,  who  filled  out to 232
        pounds during the intervening decade,
        unhesitatingly  admits  that Hollywood
        has  been  very  kind  to  him.
          "I  was  a  pretty  dumb  kid  when  I
        first started out. You  see,  I  made that
        $400  a  week  for  17  weeks  on  'The
        Farmer's  Daughter' picture  and  I  fig-
        ured  I  was  a  rich  man.  So  right
        away  I  took  off  on  a  vacation.  It
        lasted  nine  months,  mostly  down  in
        Mexico,  and  I  wound  up  flat  broke."
         Arness  paused,  then  continued
        sheepishly.  "Fact  is,  I  couldn't  land
        another  job  in  Holly-  continued



        Arness  in  action:  above,  with  Amanda
        Blake,  Gunsmoke's  dance-hall  queen.  At   MINNEAPOUS
        right,  as  Marshal  Dillon  he  shoots  to  kill.
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