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8               "TRAVELIN'  ON"

                his  face  contorted  with  hate,  he  lurches  over  to  the
                front  of  the  Palace  and  deliberately  resting  his  six-
                shooter  on  the  hitching  rack,  he  starts  to  draw  an
                accurate bead on J. B., who is up against the bar,  just
                in the act of  raising  his  glass to his  lips.  J.  B.'s back
                is toward the door,  but he is facing the mirror over the
                bar  and  in  it  he  could  see.  Without  the  movement.
                of  a  muscle,  save  his  right  arm  and  hand,  he  slowly
                draws  his  gun  from  his  right  holster,  and  resting  it
                in  the  croch  of  his  left  arm,  and still  looking  steadily
                into the mirror  and tasting his  drink,  he  fires.  There
                is  a  sound of  breaking glass  as  the bullet crashes thru
                the  front  window,  and  tears  its way  straightinto  the
                gun hand of Gila and shatters it.  With a howl of pain,'
                Gila doubles  up  and then staggers  away,  vowing  ven-
                geance and looking for  a  doctor.  J.  B.  quietly finishes
                his  drink  and  returns  his  gun  to  its  holster,  and  just
                simply  remarks  to  the  bartender,  ''When  there's  no
                mirror  behind  a  bar,  I  always  drink  with my back to

                  Carmen Rosa has  seen and heard, and Carmen Rosa
                loves  bravery  and  loves  daring.  So  Carmen  Rosa,
                in company with another pretty dance hall girl,  comes
                forward  with  Jacko  still  perched  upon  her  shoulder.
                  "Buy  a  drink?"  says  Carmen.

                  "Sure," says J. B.

                  And  the drink is  bought  and  drained.  "Come  and
                sit  down  and  have  a  talk,"  says  Carmen  Rosa.  To
                which  J.  B.  replies,  "When  I  want  women,  I  go  get
                'em, and I ain't aimin' to be bothered none."  At which
                Carmen Rosa and her  companion  stand,  not knowing
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