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OLff .. YELLER  - #2103                                                      Page  18
                   January  22,  1957

                   47     CONTINUED                                                                               47

                                                       KATIE  I
                                         I  wonder  how  far  they  got

                                         Papa  says  fifteen mile  a
                                         day  is.  a  long  haul  for  a
                                         t~ail  herd.  Guess  maybe
                                         they  made  ten  mile.

                          Ka tie  sighs  and  turns  bac~  to·  the  fireplace.

                                        Mush  is about :ready.  If
                                       ·you  want  middling  meat  to  go
                               ,  you  bette~·go  cut
                                         down  some.

                          Travis  opens  the  door ·tp' · the  b.reezeway.

                  48      INT.  BREEZEWAY  - STAGE"-                                                              48

                         -This  is  ype  roofed~over_area  between  the  _two.rooms  of  the
                          cab-in, - ab9u.t  ten .fee.t  wide. ·  Doors  both .ends  o.f. the  cabin
                           _ope:n~~  it.  The- floor  is  dry..., sand,  cleanly  swept.  Near
                          the  R:itchen  door  are  two  barrels:  a  co·vere-d  one  containing
                          co-rnmeal;  an  open  on~  holding  water.  Close  to· the  water
                          barrel  is  a  shelf __ for  the  wash· basin and  a  wedge  of  lye
                          soap.  Above,  a  ~ag  towel  hangs  from  a  peg.  Against-- this
                                                                        .  ·
                          wall  are  propped  a  crude  --eye  hoe,- a  spade,  and  a  .
                          "battling  stiok~-      11   used  to  beat .b_~at  elothes  on  wash  day.
                          Against  the  opposite  wall  are  two  chairs  with  rawhide  seats •
                         . From  the  c·  depends  a  chain  for  the  drinking  water
                        - .bucket.  Travis. steps  to  a  number  of  broken  bear  grass
                          strings  where  normally  meat-·is·  hung,  automatically  raises
                          h~s  hand~  but  finds  to  his  surprise  ~o  meat  there.
                                        ..      (calling)
                                        Mama,  what  happened  to  the
                                        middling  meat?

                         He  is  interrupted  by  the  cheerful  yap  of  a  -dog.  ·He  turns
                         his  head.

                  49,    CLOSE  SHOT  - OLD  YELLER  - TRAVIS'S  POV                                              49
                                         .                                .
                         Despite  the  fact  that  a  distended  belly  and~ piece  of
                         bacon  rind.on  the  ground  prove ·him  a  thief,  Old  Yeller
                         greets  Travis  cheer.fully,  his  tail wagging.
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