Page 20 - lw3311
P. 20

- OLD- YELLER  - #2103                                                         Page  19
                  Janua:cy  22,  1957

                  50     INT.  BREEZEWAY  - FULL  SHOT                                                          · 50

                         Travis'recovers  from  his  surprise  and  angrily  grabs  up
                         the  hoe.

                                        Why,  you  no-account,  thieving

                         Travis  raises  the  hoe  threateningly.,  Old  Yeller  flings
                         himself  to  the  ground.

                 51      CLOSE  SHOT  - OLD  YELLER                                                              5l

                         He  crawls  on  his  side  as  though  trying  to  sneak  away,
                         howling  mournfully~

                 52      OUT                                                                                     52  OU

                 53      FULL  SHOT                                                                              53

                         As  Katie,  attracted  by  the  din;  runs  in ~rom  the  kitchen.

                                       Where  on  earth  did  that
                                       dog  come  from?·

                                       It's  that  old  stray  dog
                                       what  wrecked  the  fence.
                                       And  he  stole  that  big  side
                                       of  middling  meat.·

                         Then,  Arliss  issues  rrom  the  bedroom  door.  He  rushes  to
                        .Old  Yellero

                                       A  dog!     A  dog!

                        TWO  SHOT  - OLD  YELLER  AND  ARLISS                                                    54

                         Protectively,  the  kid  puts  an  arm  about  the  dog  and  begins
                         to  pet  him.     Old  Yeller  responds  by  wagging  his  tailo

                        GROUP  SHOT                                                                              55

                        Arliss  glares  at  the  hoe  held  in· Travis's  hands.

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