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STAR  TREK  - "A  Private  Little War"  - 9/25/67                                       I-9.

                   25      CONTINUED:                                                                      25

                                          On  my  wayl

                           ALARM  SOUND  and  lights  continue  over  as  Kirk  hurries
                           for  door,  stops  and  turns  toward  McCoy  who  is  still
                           bent  over  Spock.

                                         Bones •••

                                          I  don't  know,  Jiml

                           With  no  other  choice,  Kirk  turns,  races  out  of  the  door.
                           Scott  follows  him  out,  ALARM  and  red  lights  continue.

                           INT.  CORRIDOR  {STOCK)                                                         26

                           Battle  stations  footage.

                  27       INT.  BRIDGE  - WIDE  ANGLE                                                     27

                           CHEKOV  at  the  hooded  viewer  at  Spock's  library-computer
                           station.  UHURA  listening  intently  to  something  at her
                           communications  panel.  N.d.  technicians  at  some  other
                           posts.  Red  lights,  ALARM  still sounding.

                                         No  change  of  position;  they
                                         may  not  have  seen  us.

                           Elevator  doors  snap  open  and  Kirk  and  Scott  enter.  As
                           they  cross  in:

                                         We're  holding  the  planet  between
                                         us  and  the  Klingon,  Captain.  I
                                         don't  think  they've  spotted  us.

                                                        (turns;  calls)
                                         Make  that  definate.  They're
                                          sending  a  routine  message  to
                                         their home  base  sir.  No  mention
                                          of  us.

                                                         (to Uhura)
                                         Good,  reduce  to  Alert  One,  Lieutenant.

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