Page 18 - lw3637
P. 18

STAR  TREK  -     11 A Private  Little War"  - 9/25/67                                   I-16.

                  39       EXT.  NEAR  TYREE'S  CAMP  - OPTICAL  ANGLE  ON  HIGH                           39
                           COUNTRY  - DAY

                           During  which  we'll  see  the  beginning  of  OPTICAL
                           MATERIALIZATION  o~  Kirk  and  McCoy.

                                                                 KIRK'S  VOICE  OVER
                                          .••  on  my  own  judgment.  I  have
                                          elected  to  violate  orders  and
                                          make  contact  with  planet
                                          inhabitants  here.

                           As  OPTICAL  MATERIALIZATION  is  complete:

                  40       CLOSER  - KIRK  AND  McCOY                                                      40

                           Kirk  looking  around,  getting his  bearings,  indicates
                           toward  still higher  terrain.

                                         Perfect.  Tyree's  ·camp  is  about
                                         a  quarter  mile.

                                         Want  to  think  about  it again?
                                         Starfleet•s  orders  on  this  planet
                                         state:  No  interference  with •••

                                                        ( overlaps,
                                                         finishes  it)
                                          .••  with  normal  social  development.
                                         I'm  not  only  aware  of  it,  Bones,
                                         it was  my  survey  seventeen  years
                                         ago  that  recommended  it~  ·

                                          I  read  it.  "Inhabitants  superior
                                         in many  ways  to  humans •  Le1·t  alone,
                                         they  will  undoubtedly  someday
                                         develop  a  remarkably  advanced  and
                                         peaceful  culture.       11

                                         And  I  intend  to  see  that  they
                                         have  that  chance.
                                                        (moving  off)
                                         Are  you  coming  with  me,  Doctor?

                          They  mov-e  off  toward  more  rugged  terrain which  will
                           offer  concealment  positions  along  the  trail  they  follow.
                           Kirk  is  increasingly  ~ore  bouyant;  McCoy  is  troubled.
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