Page 20 - muehlberger1954
P. 20


                      The  investigations have  been concerned mainly with the

         unraveling of the  geologic  history of the  Vasquez  series,  which pro-

         vides  a  large amount of detailed information concerning the  early

         Tertiary history of this  region.  This  study also  shows what happens

         around the  fringes  qf  a  major  sedimentary basin in  southern California.

         These  events  either  may not be  recorded or only indirectly recorded in

         the  stratigraphic  record in the  center  of the  basin where  economic

         reserves of oil  may be  found.

                                            Field work

                      Field work was  carried on from April to  August in  1952,

         from May to  July in  1953,  and  intermittently during the  intervening

         period.    Mapping was  done  on  a  scale of one  inch to  1, 000 feet on

         enlarged copies of U.  S.  Geological Survey maps  published at a  scale

         of one  inch to  2, 000  feet.   The  results of most of this  geological  mapping

         are  shown in plate  2.  Plate  1  also  shows  the  results of this work,  as

         well  as  information compiled from  the  published and unpublished

         sources that are  indicated on the  map.


                                        General  statement

                      Schists,  gneisses,  and  granites  compose  the  "basement"  rocks

         of this  region.  The  Pelona  schist,  which consists  of muscovite  schist,
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