Page 6 - nlf1954smog
P. 6


                                     SMOG  - THE  TRIGGER

                   It must  be  remembered  that on  many  days  or the year,  the  1,500
     ·tons  per  day  of  organic  effluents  put  into  the air or Los  Angeles  cause
      little or  no  trouble.  The  only  time  when  these  pollutants  build up  to
      intolerable 'proportions  are on  those days  (usually in late Summer  and
      Fall)  when  weather  corditions  conspir6  to  trap  the materials  over  the  oityo

                   In the  Summer  and  Fall,  Los  Aneeles  experiences  frequent  and
      long  "inversions"o  A temperature  inversion consists  of a  layer or warm  air,
      suspended at some  distance  above  the groum,  that  prevents  the usual  air
      turbulence.  Such  an  inversion at a  heieht of  1,000 tt.  or  less over  Los  Angelea,
      will  effectively seal  in  the  air  contaminants,  since  the  wall  of mountain
      surrourxUng  the  city will  not permit  the  polluted air  to  escape  from  under
      the  inversiono  Over  the  Los  Angeles  basin a  severe,  low  inversion may
      persist for  many  days,  even  a  week  or  two.  When  this  happens,  the  build-
      up  of  pollutants  reaches  truly intolerable levels,  such  as  during  Thanks-
      giving week  of  this  y~,ar,  when  there were  tr~ousands  of  traffic  accidents
      because  of  poor  visibility,  air traffic was  grounded,  crops  damaged,  and
      severe  eye  irritation experienoede

                   The  inversions  that  form  over  the  Los  Angeles  Basin have  their
      origin over  the  Pacific  Ocean  and  extend  over  Newhall  as  wello  The  F,astern
      Santa  Clara  Basin  is much  smaller  however,  and  farther  inlando  With  a.
      lareer  proportion of mountainside  to  air volume,  and  with  a  wider  daily
      fluctuation  in  temperature,  we  pet a  greater  turbulence  during  the  day
      which  serves  to  destroy  the  inversion or at least raise  it high  enough  to
      permit dilution and  escape  of any  pollutants  that might  be  presento  Thus,
      although  our  nighttime  inversion will be  as  severe  (and  possibly a  little
      more  so)  than Los  Anv,eles  will  have,  this  will  be  completely  or  partially
      broken up  duri~  the  day,  with  the  result that we  do  not have  the  problem
      of  coping  with  the  build-up  of many  days  production  of  air  pollutantso
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