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steatite bowl fragments with asphaltum, one steatite seal effigy, two stone beads, one
                              stone pendant fragment, and seven whale bone tool fragments. The seven associated
                              funerary objects associated with SN-15 (SNI-21) are one lot of asphaltum with basketry
                              impressions,  one lot of modified  shell, one modified  bird bone, three modified stone
                              fragments, and one lot of modified whale bone fragments. The five associated funerary
                              objects associated with SN-16 are one sandstone fish hook reamer, one lot of bivalve
                              marine shells, one lot of beads, one necklace of Olivella beads, and one lot of Olivella
                              square shell beads. The one associated funerary object associated with SN-18 (SNI-
                              15/16) is a lot of beads. The two associated funerary objects associated with SN-19 (SNI-
                              158) are one pestle and one mortar. The eight associated funerary objects associated with
                              SN-20 (SNI-56) are one lot of bird bone beads, one alabaster bead, one steatite pendant,
                              one lot of animal bone fragments, one bone awl, one animal bone tool, one steatite bowl,
                              and one steatite canoe effigy. The 30 associated funerary objects from SN-21A are three
                              lots of beads, one lot of shell beads with pendant, one concretion or root cast file, one
                              deer bone awl base, one flake scraper, four ground stone pestles, one lot of yellow ochre,
                              two lots of modified  animal bone, one obsidian  projectile point, one obsidian  projectile
                              point tip, one lot of Olivella,  keyhole limpet and tufa beads, three pendants, two red ochre
                              fragments, one root cast, one soil sample, one stone canoe effigy, one tufa stone, two lots
                              of vessel fragments, one lot of possible whale bone grave markers, and one whale bone
                              spear point. The three associated funerary objects from SN-21A (SNI-157) are one deer
                              antler pressure flaker, one lot of Olivella  shell beads, and one quartzite stone for melting
                              asphaltum. The three associated funerary objects from SN-21A (SNI-159) are two
                              obsidian spear points and one necklace of steatite and Olivella  shell beads. The four
                              associated funerary objects from SN-21A (SNI-160) are one steatite ring fragment, two
                              fish hook reamers, and one lot of Olivella  shell beads. The one associated funerary object
                              from SA-21A (SNI-171) is a lot  of modified  pelican bone. The two associated funerary
                              objects associated with SN-22 are one modified  whale bone fragment, and one steatite
                              bead. The 31 associated funerary objects associated with SN-23 (SNI-41) are one chisel
                              with asphaltum, 10 ground stone pendant and vessel fragments, 11 chipped stone tools
                              (projectile point, biface and flakes), one groundstone vessel fragment, seven bone tools
                              and one lot of shell beads.  The seven associated funerary objects associated with SN-24
                              (SNI-20) are one stone pipe with single groove base, one wood tool, two projectile
                              points, one lot of modified  bone tools, one canid cranium, and one lot of modified  stone.
                              The 13 associated funerary objects associated with SN-31 are two lots of modified  bone,
                              five modified  bone pendants, one lot of modified lithics,  and five lots of shell beads.

                              In the Federal Register (80 FR 10509, February 26, 2015), column  3, paragraph 2,

                       sentence 1, under the heading “(iv) Navy-Controlled SNI Human Remains and Associated

                       Funerary Objects at the San Diego Museum of Man,” is corrected by substituting  the following


                              In 1937 and 1939, human remains representing, at minimum,  26 individuals,  including
                              four cremations, were transferred to the San Diego Museum of Man from the San Diego
                              Museum of Natural History.

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