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In 1966, human remains representing, at minimum,  one individual  were collected by U.S.
                              Navy personnel from a site with the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Site
                              Number 133.54 (the equivalent  Smithsonian  trinomial  is unknown) and donated to the
                              Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.

                              In the Federal Register (80 FR 10510, February 26, 2015), column 2, paragraph 4,

                       sentence 1, under the heading “(v) Navy-Controlled SNI Human Remains and Associated

                       Funerary Objects at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History,” is corrected by substituting

                       the following  paragraph:

                              In 1970, human remains representing, at minimum,  one individual  were donated by Art
                              McHarg to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.

                              In the Federal Register (80 FR 10510, February 26, 2015), column  3, paragraph 1, under

                       the heading “(vi) Navy-Controlled SNI Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects at the

                       Southwest Museum of the American Indian at the Autry Museum of the American West,” is

                       corrected by deleting the following  paragraph:

                              Circa 1900, human remains representing, at minimum,  one individual  were collected by
                              Margaret Nix and donated to the Southwest Museum. No specific provenience
                              information  beyond their SNI origin exists for these human remains. No known
                              individual  was identified. No associated funerary objects are present.

                              In the Federal Register (80 FR 10510, February 26, 2015), column  3, paragraph 2,

                       sentence 1, under the heading “(vi) Navy-Controlled SNI Human Remains and Associated

                       Funerary Objects at the Southwest Museum of the American Indian at the Autry Museum of the

                       American West,” is corrected by substituting  the following  sentence:

                              Circa 1926, human remains representing, at minimum,  two individuals,  were collected by
                              Norman Murdoch and donated to the Southwest Museum in 1976.

                              In the Federal Register (80 FR 10510, February 26, 2015), column  3, paragraph 3,

                       sentence 1, under the heading “(vi) Navy-Controlled SNI Human Remains and Associated

                       Funerary Objects at the Southwest Museum of the American Indian at the Autry Museum of the

                       American West,” is corrected by substituting  the following  paragraph:

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