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CLERGY CORNER                                                                 INTENTIONS & CONTACT

      May  the  grace  and peace of our Lord Jesus  Christ,  the   MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK
      love of God our Father,  and the communion of the Holy
      Spirit be with you all!  These words from the opening of   MON.-     July 7:
                                                                           F elicispin Tumanda t
      Mass  are  mspired  by  the  greetings  St.  Paul  uses  in  his   7·00 am -
                                                               8:15 am -   Arlene De Mesa t
      letters to the people of the churches he pastored.  Along   TUE.-    July 8:
      with our new Associate Pastors, Fathers Alberto and Bao,   7:00 am -  Donnie and Marie Spagnolia
      may the grace and peace and love of our God fill us all.   8:15 am   James Greene t
                                                             WED.-         July 9·
      Every  pansh  commumty  1s  made  up  of  umque          7·00 am -   Domingo Cecilio t
      individuals engaged m a myriad of activities.  This 1s as 1t   8·15 am -  Felipe Gerodias
      should be.  But at  its  heart,  the  life  of a pansh and  its   THUR.   July 10:
      members  is  very  simple  - 1t  1s  all  about  d1sc1plesh1p,   7·00 am -  Justm Garcia t
      about allowing Jesus our Lord and Sav10r to welcome us   8:15 am -   Billy Ashby
      mto  his  circle  of fnends  and  transform  us  through  our   FRI. -  July 11.
                                                               7·00 am -   Mary Wells and Nelly Necor Duce t
      umon with him.
                                                               8.15 am -   John Conte
                                                             SAT.          July 12:
      Let  us  pray  for  one  another  that  we  each  will  be           Rolando Sunga t
                                                               8:00 am
      conscious of the grace of our baptism m which we were    4.30 pm -   Wilfredo B. Ferrer t
      mcorporated mto the Body of Chnst, the family  of God.   SUN.-       July 13:
      Let us pray for one another that we will hve this grace of   7:00 am   Joanne Redmond
      our baptism and truly be disciples and friends of Jesus.   8.30 am   Patricia Reynosa t
                                                               9·00 am     Val Verde -  Pro Populo
      If we are rooted m Him, we will have life and have 1t to   10:00 am -  Garn Chmda t
      the full (John 1 O· 10).  If we are rooted m Him, our pansh   10.30 am   Castmc -  Daniels Family
      commumty will flourish.  Of course  as was true for the   11:30 am   Luciana M. Galvez and
                                                                           Alfredo B. Cambahza t
      ongmal  band  of the  disciples  of Jesus   we  will  have
                                                               1:00 pm -   Ruben Jaramillo t
      problems  and challenges.  But we will face  them m the
                                                               4:00 pm     Joanne Redmond
      company  of our  Lord  who  1s  always  there  to  help  us
                                                               5.30 pm     Rebecca Gonzalez and Luisa Blea
      through the storms of hfe.
      Our  parish  1s  dedicated  to  our  Mother  Mary  under  her
      title of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  Mary was the first
      d1sc1ple  of her  Son.   Mary  1s  the  one  who  at  Cana
      instructed those waiting on tables, "Do whatever he tells      :l€  CONTACT INFORMATION ~
      you" (John 2.5)  She 1s  the one who invites us:  "Please,   Pastoral Center                      259-2276
      go to my Son.  Do whatever he tells you."  May we take        Fax#                                259-1873
      her  mv1tation  to  heart  and  root  ourselves  m  our  Lord   Email            
      Jesus Chnst!
                                                                    Office Hours    (Daily)         8:30AM- 5PM
                                                                                    (Saturday)     10AM - 4:30PM
      God bless you always
                                                                                    (Sunday)        8:30AM- 3PM
      Father Craig                                           OLPH School                                259-1141
                                                                    Fax#                                259-8254
                                                             Mrs. Sharon Krahl      

                                                             Office of Religious Education              259-4266
                                                                    Fax#                                259-2084
                                                             Director ofReligious Ed.
      SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES                         Teresa Romero            
      Sunday-    Fourteenth Sunday m Ordinary Time           Spanish Coordinator                        259-9616
                                                             Cheryl McClure           
     Wednesday·  St. Augustme Zhao Rong and Compamons        Confirmation Coordinator                   288-1073
     Fnday·      St. Benedict
                                                             Spanish Pastoral Ministry           259-2276 ext. 663
      Saturday·   Blessed Virgm Mary                         Sister Olivia Gutierrez;  OP.
           TWO                                                                                              2014
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