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WORSHIP & LITURGY                                           0

             ❖  'ReadtnBs for the Week  ❖                        THERE IS A NEED FOR CANTORS AT OLPH
                                                                           What is the role of the Cantor?
                                                                     The  Cantor  is  responsible  for  making  · the
        Mopday:     Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9;
                                                              assembly's prayer possible through song. The Cantor does
                    Mt 9:18-26
                                                              this  by  inviting  the  assembly  to  join  voices  in  hymns,
        Tuesday:    Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38
                                                              songs and the Mass Ordinaries.  The Cantor also serves as
        Wednesday:  Hos 10:1-3, 7-8,  12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7
                                                              the  "Psalmist",  proclaiming  the  Responsorial  Psalm
        Thursday:   Hos 11: 1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16;
                                                              between the  first  and second readings,  as  well  as  singing
                    Mt 10:7-15
                                                              the verse of the Gospel Acclamation (the "Alleluia").  The
        Friday:     Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17;
                    Mt 10:16-23                               Cantor may also sing solo verses in the songs that require
                                                              a soloist.
        Saturday:   Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mfl0:24-33
                                                                     The  requirements  to  be  a  successful  Cantor
        Sunday:     Is 55: 10-11; Ps 65: 10-14; Rom 8: 18-23;
                                                              include  a  strong,  but  pleasant,  singing  voice,  an
                    Mt 13:1-23 [1-9]
                                                              understanding of vocal technique, the ability to read music
                                                              (or learn music quickly), an understanding of the Mass and
                                                              the  confidence  to  encourage  the  assembly  to  join  in  the
                                                              songs  presented  at  Mass.  The  Cantor  must  also  be
                                                              dedicated to the Music Ministry,  and be available for  any
                                                              extra  liturgies,  throughout  the  year,  including  Christmas
                                                              and Holy Week.
                                                                     If the  Cantor  is  singing  at  a  Mass  with  a  choir,
                                                              they would have the responsibility of attending the regular
                                                              choir rehearsal, throughout the year.
                                                                     If you think you meet the above requirements, ( or
                                                              could  meet  them  with  some  education  and  training)  and
                                                              are  interested  in  becoming  a  cantor,  please  contact  Ed
                                                              Archer,  Director of Music and Liturgy. A time will be set
                                                              up  to  discuss  your  participation  and  the  expectations  of
                                                              this important position in the Liturgy.
                                                                     In  some  instances there  is  a  stipend available  for
                                                              Cantoring  as  well  as  the  opportunity to  sing  for  funerals
                                                              and weddings at Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
                                                                     A  new,  contemporary  I  contemplative,  musical
                                                              ensemble is forming.  If you are interested please contact:
                                                              Ed  Archer,  ASAP.  (661)  259-2276  or  email
           Why, we might ask the prophet Zechariah today, would
       God  want  to  banish  chariots  and  horses?  The  answer
       follows:  because  they  are  used  to  violate  God's  reign  of         BIBLE STUDY
       peace,  along  with  the  warrior's  bow.  In  the  days  of  Our Bible Study classes are on summer break and will begin
       Zechariah, chariots and horses were high-priced items used  again  in  September.   Please  watch  the  bulletin  for  more
       only  for  war-making.  They  were  the  aircraft  carriers  and  information.
       nuclear  missiles  of his  day.  And  for  his  culture,  which
                                                                             TODAY'S READINGS
       thought  of any  king  as  being  a  military  leader  first  and
       foremost,  a  king  riding  on  a  lowly  beast  of burden  to  First Reading - Rejoice heartily, 0  Jerusalem! For see,
       proclaim peace  without horses,  chariots,  and bows  would  your savior comes (Zechariah 9:9-10).
       have set his listeners topsy-turvy.
                                                             Psalm -  I will praise your name for ever, my king and my
           This lowly, beast-riding king of peace, we believe, was
                                                             God (Psalm 145).
       fulfilled  in  Jesus,  gentle  and humble  of heart.  In  a  world
       torn by military strife often generated by differing religious  Second Reading - The one who raised Christ from death
       views, and even in our own lives and homes where we are  will give life to your mortal bodies also
       often at "war" over the tiniest things, we would do well to  (Romans 8:9, 11-13).
       stop and consider to what degree we are willing to be like
                                                             Gospel -  Come, all you who labor and are burdened, and I
       that  "king"  whose  way  of gentleness  and  humility  is  the   will give you rest (Matthew 11 :25-30).
       way for us to find rest for our weary souls.
        PAGE THREE                                                       Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 06, 2014
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