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P. 20

SRL:  Well,  when  Mother  first  married  Eddie  she  came  to  me  and
                       said  that  she  was  so  sorry  about  the  ranch,  because  at  that
                       point  I  was  the  one  who  was  supposed  to  become  educated  for
                       the  ranch,  and  she  promised  me.that  Eddie  would  not  have
                       anything  to  do  with  the  ranch,  ever.             He  was  going  to  have
                       his  own  business,  his  own  automobile  agency,  whatever ....
                              Of  course  that  never  worked  out.             He  never  found just
                       the  right  thing,  and  little  by  little  he  helped  with  the
                       machinery  on  the  ranch,  and  so  forth  and  so  on.               Harry  was
                       the  manager.       But  it  became  increasingly very  unhappy.

                       END  OF  TAPE  1  OF  3

                       BEGIN  SIDE  A  OF  TAPE  2  OF  3

               SRL:  Did  I  tell  you  about  Boo  and  I running  up  the  long  porch?
              Is that on               the tape? Are we on?

               SL:     We  are  on.

               SRL:  This  is  live.         (Laughing)

               SL:     Tape  two,  side·A  of  the  Rancho  Camulos  Oral  History  Project
                       interview  with  Shirley  Lorenz,  Suzanne  Lawrence,  aned Cynthia
                       Thompson, sitting  at  the  table· indoors  now  -                it  got  blustery
                       out.    We've  had  a  good  lunch,  and  we've  kicked  around  a  lot
                       of  ideas.
                              I  think  what  we  want  tp  do  at  this  point  is  talk  about·
                       just  everyday  life  at  the  rancho.             One  of  the  things  you
                      mentioned  at  another  time,  Shirley, when  you  and  I  were
                      talking ...  you  said  that  your  father  would  go  to I suppose
                      the  bunkhouse,  or  where  the  men were,  and  discuss  the  work
                      of  the  day,  and  then  he  would  come back to  the  house  and  he
                      would  have  a second  breakfast,  and  you'd  plan  your  own  day.

               SRL:  Yes,  that's  very  true.            The  ranch  was run  by  a  siren,  which
                      floated  down  the  valley.            Piru  ran  by  the  siren,  so did
                      Newhall  Ranch.         7:00  in  the  morning,  12  noon,  1:00  in  the
                      afternoon,  and  5:00.           Very  loud  siren,  re-echoed  down  the
                              But  our  own  family  was  run  by  a  gong  outside  the  dining
                      room.  It  would  reverberate  around  the  gardens  and  everything-
                      and  bring  us  in.        Instead  of  everybody  screeching,  which we
                      did  also.       (Laughing)

               SL:    Did  you  ever  use  the  del  Valle  bells?  Or  had  they  been
                      taken  off  the  armature?

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