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P. 16

SRL:  Not  really,  she  kept  being  invited  to  join  the  University
                       Women's  Club  and  she'd  say,  "I'm sorry."  But  she  read,
                       voraciotisly.        She  was self-educated.
                               Dad  developed  really  a  very  fine library  here;  because-
                        it  was  long  before TV,  and  radio  was  great,  but  it wasn't
                       all  that  educational.

                SL:    There  was  no  running  to  the  mall.

                SRL:  No,  so  reading  was  a  big  part  of  our  lives.               Boo  and  I  were
                       talking about  that.           We  had  tea  every  afternoon.            It  was
                       great  fun,  and  as  little  kids  we  had  what  was  called
                       "Cambric  Tea"  which  was  half  and  half,  tea  and  milk.
                250            Mother  would  read  to  us,  and  as  we  grew  older,  _even
                       into  our  teen-age  years,  having  Mother  read  to-the  family...
                       she  had  a  wonderful  wonderful  reading  voice,  and
                      pronunciation         and intonation         when   she- read, and       she would
                       read books  that  all  of  our  ages  could  appreciate.                   Dickens,
                       and  Sir  Walter  Scott  and  then  later  on  some  of  the  more
                       modern  things,  adventures  and  historic  things,  and it was
                       just  great.
                              And  then  Boo  and  I,  when  we  weren't  doing  anything  else·
                       we'd  go  to  the  library  or  bring  books  out  here  on  the  lawn,
                       and  lie  on  our  tummies  and  read  to  each  other.                She'd  read  a
                       chapter,     and  I'd  read  a  chapter,  and  we'd  go  through  the
                       whole    afternoon  reading  a book  to  each  other..               And  that  was
                       something  we  did  often.

                SL:    One  thing  we  have  not  talked  about  is  the  five  children,  and
                       where  they  came in  succession.              Gerald  was  the  oldest.

                SRL:  Gerry  was  the  oldest

                SL:,  And  when  was  he  born?

               SRL:  Well,  he's  six years  older,

               SL:     Than  you.      You  were  born  in  '27,  so  he  was  born  in  '21               And
                       then  Barbara  in  '23.

               SRL:  Yes,  she's  four  years  older.

               SL:     Then  you  were  in  '27  and  Boo  in

               SRL:  Boo  was  in  '28.

               SL:    Oh,  so  you  two  were  very  close.

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