Page 231 - saugus1984yearbook
P. 231

Mushroom clouds are in  the sky;  But  we will  go within  a  week
                                       M-16's flash  through and by     And all  around the people speak,
                                       And all  around the people cry,                     "Why us?"
                                                          "Why us?"
                                                                        Who will  be the one that tames
  The  purpose of a  yearbook is  to sum-
  marize  an  opJimistic  view  of the  pre-  The  war has started since today,  The  people who regard as  games
  ceding year. This page shows that not   The  outlook  of the world is  gray  The  nation's many, many claims?
  all  of  the  concerns  of  the  1983/84   And all  around the people say,   And all  around the folk  exclaim,
  school year were optimistic. These po-                  "Why us?"                        "Why us?"
  ems and drawings artistically express a                                        by Thomes  Dinsenbacher
  real fear in  the minds of Saugus High's   Technology has  reached its  peak
  students.  The  question  of  a  nuclear
  confrontation is  obviously a  valid one,
  and  therefore  it  deserves to be pon-
  dered by the artist. This page is  a  " nu-
  clear confrontation."
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