Page 12 - saugus1985yearbook
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                                           Empires  begin  with  individual  plans  and   tall."  He  adds,  "Don't  take  things  too  seriously  -  there  are
                                          dreams. These Centurion alumni attended Sau-  always  thousands  of  options  wa iting  to  be explored."  6.  Su-
                                                                             zanne LeBlanc ('79). a  research associate for  Urban  Decision
                                          gus  in  the  early  years  -  the  years  of  multi-
                                                                             Systems,  having  graduated  from  UCLA  in  geography,  is  pic-
                                          colored  buildings,  no  central  quad,  and  open   tured  here  enjoying  the  Swiss  Alps.  Suzanne  says,  "Travel
                                          trenches  all  over  campus.  Whatever  Saugus   whenever  you  can  -  there  are  so  many  places  to  see  and
                                                                             interesting  people  to  meet."  7.  Patrick  James  Martin.  (83).
                                          lacked then in appearance, neither the spirit of
                                                                             cadet at  the United States Military Academy,  West Point. Pat
                                          its  students  nor  the  academic  program  suf-  is  proud  and  happy  at  "the  Point'';  he  states,  " Never  take
                                          fered  a  whit.  We  say  thanks  to  these  special   yourselves too seriously. but plan  your futures wisely." 8.  Kirk
                                          alumni who have taken the time to share their   Alger. Jr. ('81). SHS  campus aide and  assistant varsity  football
                                                                             coach  thanks  especially  "Mr.  Worley  for  his  Strategy  class
                                          secrets  to  success,
                                                                             which is still an influence,"  and "my father, assistant principal
                                                                             at  Saugus,  who  made  it  all  possible."  9.  Mel  Breslow  ('78).
                                          I.  Leslie Gordon ('SI)  now a  senior at CSUN.  is  pictured  here   UCLA  graduate  and  now  an  English  teacher in  Redding,  CA ..
                                          with her  fiance,  Scott  Knudsen.  Leslie  says, "Enjoy  your  high   offers this comment, "Oh such sweet memories of British Lit.
                                          school years -  they go by so fast." 2. John Firm ('79), a senior   How  did  we  manage  to  learn  so  much  while  having  so  much
                                          at the University  of Colorado,  having  played  football  for  the   fun?"  JO. Stacy McClain ('83) English major at the University of
                                          Golden  Bison,  still  remembers  "winning  the  Golden  League   California.  Berkeley. Her Berkeley advice,  "Don't  be  satisfied
                                          Championship and  the  support  of  all  the  teachers."  3.  Chip   by being just like everyone else. Be yourself, and make that the
                                          Tardif ( '78) is now a paramedic  for L.A.F.D.  and a graduate of   best thing that you can be."  II.  Joy Sneed ('78). teacher of third
                                          UCLA.  Chip's advice, " Don't be too quick to take a  conserva-  grade  in  Hanford.  Ca.,  after  having  graduated  from  CSU.
                                          tive  route  to  your  future.  If  you  think  you  might  want  to  do   Fresno. Joy  asserts,  "The  friendships  I made  at  Saugus  High
                                          something different, give  it  a  try."  4.  Brian  D. Knapp ('79),  is
                                                                             have  been  lifetime  friendships.  My  three  best  pals  in  high
                                          currently a  student at Harvard University's  Kennedy School of
                                                                             school  are  still  three  of  my  best  friends."  12.  Randy Hansen
                                          Government after graduating with honors from UCLA in politi-
                                                                              ('81) student  at  Pierce. Randy  remembers  the football  league
                                          cal science. Brian suggests, "Work a balance between academ-
                                                                             championships  in  '80 and  '81,  but  advises  "for  students  plan-
                                          ics and extracurricular activities since both will  influence you   ning  on  continuing  their  education.  do  not  slack  off  in  the
                                          in later life." 5. Peter DeMarzo ('SO) is  now in  a  Ph.D. program   junior and senior years by  taking easy classes." 13.  Carla  Firm
                                          at  Stanford  University.  studying  Operations  Research.  Peter   O'Connell (' 78) is  now a  lumber sales assistant, living in  Palm-
                                          took  his  undergraduate  degree  in  applied  mathematics  and   dale. Carla won't  ever forget.  " the closeness of our class and
                                          cognitive psychology at UCSD. Peter remembers Saugus, "The   the class of 1979." 14.  Steve Brown. (SI), has gone on to Rutgers
                                          classes  were  fun,  the  teachers  were  great,  the  weeds  were
                                                                              College. NJ. "I suggest to you young Centurions to take advan-
                                                                              tage  of  all  educational  opportunities  offered  even  though  at
                                                                              the time you may feel the social aspect of high school will then
                                                                              be lost. It  won't be lost -- only limited."  15.  Rosie Henry Hansen
                                                                              ('79)  cost  accountant,  Saugus.  Rosie  graduated  from  Hum-
                                                                              boldt.  Rosie  recalls.  " Watching  the  1978  football  team  when
                                                                             Scott  was  the quarterback  was a  lot  of fun." 16.  Vince  Hougo
                                                                              ('83), engineering major at UCLA. Vince says, "Take advantage
                                                                              of  EVERY  educational  opportunity  you  can.  There  is  never
                                                                              enough  time  to  learn  all  you  need  to  know  before  college."
                                                                               Not  pictured  but  keeping  in  touch  with  us  were Greg  Firm
                                                                              (student. COC).  Lorraine Costanzo (junior, University of Ari-
                                                                              zona), Wendi  Maloney  (at  the University of Wisconsin Madi-
                                                                              son,  studying  for  a  Ph.D.  in  European  social  and  intellectual
                                                                              history), and Roxanne Firm, assistant credit manager and pur-
                                                                              chasing agent. This is but a minute portion of our proud Centu-
                                                                              rion  legacy  -  a  legacy  we  can  all  share  with  pride.
                                                                                                CENTURIONS  PAST-6B
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