Page 9 - saugus1985yearbook
P. 9

Rome wasn't built in a day. As we celebrate the events and
                                                      people  of  1985  and  the  tenth · anniversary  of  Saugus  High
                                                      School's  opening,  we  see  how, this  statement  is  true.  The
                                                     · great empire of Rome, from its art to its architecture, estab-
                                                      lished the foundations for much of modern civilization. In the
                                                      same manner, Saugus  High School  has provided the founda-
                                                      tions of education for  thousands  by  laying  the groundwork
                                                      for a variety of cultural, vocational, and educational opportu-
                                                      nities.  Both  present and  past students of Saugus  have  built
                                                      upon  these experiences, and this edition of  The  Sword and
                                                     I Shieldwill attempt to preserve the many activities of Saugus
                                                     1  Centurions, the conquerors of  tomorrow.

                                                                              I.  Moving on  up  at Saugus.  2.  It  all  comes
                                                                              together  at  the  Bret  Churchill  Memorial
                                                                              quad.  3.  Checking  in  at  the  office.  4.  A
                                                                              new  slant  to  campus  buildings.  5.  The
                                                                              road  to  success  lies  at  Saugus  High.  6.
                                                                              Opening  doors,  the  modern  science
                                                                              building constructed last year. 7. Centuri-
                                                                              on  rose garden.

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