Page 10 - saugus2001yearbook
P. 10

What Saugus offers Centurions is far more
       than mere preparation for the real world.  It is a

       memorable  experience  that  gives  you  the
       opportunity to  learn  and  to  grow as  a  unique

       individual -both of which are influenced by your

       teachers and your peers. The extent to which these

       four years mold you is based on the degree on which

       you  focus  on  school.  The  anticipation  that  is

       triggered by the thought of school, in some cases,

       may seem overwhelming and almost impossible to

       bear with.  In making your stay at Saugus your

       primary  focus,  you  wi 11  be  prepared  for  the

       cha I lenges that face you -cha I lenges that once

       surmounted wi 11  give you a sense of gratification.

       It is  this  feeling  that  will  motivate  you  to  be

       successful  in all of your endeavors.  Regress

       from the fast track for just a second, clear
       your  perception,  and  recognize  the

       relevance of focusing on school.
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