Page 4 - scvhs_irs_articles_1975
P. 4

transaction  of  the  business  of  this  corporation  is  located  ia

            Los  Angeles  County.


                        The names and  addresses  of  the  persons  who  are  to  act  in  the

            capacity  of  directors  until  the  selection  of their  sucoessors  ara,

                                                                                              I  •   ,,
                        NAME                                              ADDRESS
            LLOYD  HOUGHTON                                    23541  LLOYD  HOUGETOH  PLACE
                                                               Nmiil.1\.LL,  CALIFORNIA  913 21

            DOROTHY  RILEY                                     2122-4  PLACERITA  CAUYON  ROAD
                                                               Hfili'HALL,  CALIFORNIA  91321; ·

            ARTHUR  W.  EVANS                                  29262  AB!n.:IA  ROAD
                                                               ClU-c"YO?I  COUNTRY,  CALIFORNIA  91351

            GERALD  G.  REYNOLDS                               23428  HAPPY  VALLEY  DRIVE
                                                               NEWHALL,  CALIFORNIA  91321

            LAVONNE  YETTER                                    27176  GARZA  DRIVE
                                                               SAUGUS,  CALIFORNU  91350·
                        The  authori:ed  nU!Uber  and  qualifications  of  members  of .the

            corporation,  the  different  classes  ot lllClnbership,  if any,  the

            property,  voting  and  other  rights  and  privileges  of  members,  and

            their  liabliity  to  dues  and  assesements  and  the  method  of  collection

            hereot',  shall  be  as  set  forth  in  the  By-Laws.


                       This  corporation  is one which  does  not' o:;,ntemplate  p~cuniary

            gain  or· profit  to  the members  thereof  and  it is organized  sololy  for
                                                        -         ..
           nonprofit purposes.  Opon  the  winding  up  and  diasol~tion of  this

           corporation,  after  paying  or adequately  providing  for  the  debts
                        ~J."'                                 .;
           and  obligations  of  the  corporation~  the  remaining  assets  shell  be

           distributed  1:o  a  nonprofit  fund,  foundation  or corporation, ·which.

           is organized  and  operated exclusively  for  charitable,  educational,
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