Page 2 - sw_yesterdaysoflosangeles1927
P. 2

THE  rush of  modern Los Angeles we  hurry  by,
               In     perhaps  unknowing,  those  historic  spots  with

                      which  are  associated  the  early  events  that
               brought government and great civic growth.

                 That  the  motorists,  in  seeking  new  objectives  of  in-
              terest,  may  enjoy  moments  of  retrospect  and  better ap-
              preciate  the  significance  of  places  where  Los  Angeles'
              colorful groundwork was laid, the Howard Automobile
               Company  of  Los  Angeles  presents  this  booklet.

                 The historical data from  which most of the pages are
               written,  was  supplied  by  Mrs.  A.  S.  C.  Forbes,  chair-
               man  of the Committee on  Landmarks of  the  Historical
               Society of Southern California and author of the splen-
               did  books,  "California Missions and Land  Marks" and

               "Mission Tales  in  the  Days of  the  Dons."
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