Page 4 - sw_yesterdaysoflosangeles1927
P. 4

Fort Frowned on  Hill

                       THE  corner  of  North  Broadway and  Fort  Moore  street-
                       directly  above  the  Broadway  tunnel-is a  bronze  tablet  im-
                       bedded  in  a  granite  boulder.  Here  is  historic  ground,  for
                he  who  reads  the  inscription  may  learn:
                      "Fort  Moore  erected  on  this  site  in  1847  by  United
                      States  Troops.  The  first  celebration  of Independence
                      Day  in  California  was  held  here  July  4th,  1847."
                    The tablet was placed  by  the Eschscholtzia Chapter,  Daughters
                of  the  American  Revolution,  July  4,  1916,  and  is  the  only  identi-
                fying  mark  in  a  peaceful  residential  section  to  recall  the  stirring
                military  activities  once  centered  upon  the  commanding  elevation.
                The  fortifications  long  ago  disappeared  with  their  need.
                    Fort  Moore  was  preceded  by  an  earlier  protective  project  de-
                signed  by  Lieutenant  W.  H.  Emory,  topographical  engineer  of
                General  Stephen  Kearney's staff.  The construction  was  begun  by
                sailors  and  marines  of  Commodore  Stockton's  forces  but  never
                completed  or  given  a  fort  name.
                    The  second  fort,  dedicated  July  4,  1847, by  order  of  Colonel
                ]. B.  Stevenson,  was built by  the  Mormon  Battalion after plans of
                 Lieutenant J. W.  Davidson and named  in  honor of  Captain  Benja-
                 min  D.  Moore, who was killed  in  the  Battle of  San  Pasqual.  The
                 pride of  the  fort  was  a  flagstaff  150  feet  high,  the  combination  of
                 two  giant  trees  laboriously  hauled  by  oxen  from  the  San  Bernar-
                 dino  mountains.  For  years  this  pole  stood  before  shattering  in
                 the  blast  of  a  windstorm.
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