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September, 1929                                                               3

                                   (Below)  The Alameda Point Refinery's   he  interested others in the  oil-pro-
                                   laboratory,  the scene of a  twenty-five-  ducing  possibilities  of  Pico  Can-
                                   year struggle to produce a  satisfactory   yon,  the  mayor  of  the  city  being
                                     kerosene  from  California  crude
                                            petroleum        one  of those  who  joined  Scofield's
                                                             organization. Thus came into exis-
                                                             tence,  on  June  16,  1876,  the  Cali-
                                                             fornia  Star  Oil  Works  Company,
                                                             a  truly formidable name  for  such
                                                             a  small  firm,  but  reflecting  its
                                                             boldness.  Remember,  fifty-three
                                                             years  ago  California was  a  young
                                                             state  with  few  cities,  and  those
                                                             still  linked  mainly  by  El  Camino
                                                             Real. The coming of railroads was
  at Alameda
                                                             but  optimistic  talk.  The  lofty
                                                             ranges  between  Pico  Canyon  and
                                                             the  south  offered  great  barriers
                                                             which had to  be  conquered by  the
                                                             teams  that  hauled  heavy  equip-
                                                             ment from San Pedro, where most
                                                             of  it  had  been  delivered  by  sail-
                                                             ing-vessels  after  rounding  the
                                                             Horn and.  visiting  San Francisco.
                                                              General Manager Scofield,  filled
                                   (Left)  Truck  gardens  provided  a  ver-
                                  dant  setting  for  the  Alameda  Point   with  optimism,  sought  and  found
                                  Refinery.  The  refinery's  office  build-  in the  big,  bearded  Alex  Mentry,
                                      ing  is  shown  at the  right of   carpenter of Los  Angeles,  a  fore-
                                           the picture
                                                            man who immediately displayed as

       (Above)  Pioneering  pipe-line  activities  in  the  San  Joaquin   (Above)  With  the  turn  in the  century,  came  many  improve-
       Yalley-the  Towne  Pump  Station  as  it  appeared  when  ments  in  the  Company's  properties.  Here Is  the first  office  of
                    under  construction        the  Pipe  Line  Department  in  the  Kern  River  district,  as  it
                                                             appeared  In  1901
       (Below)  Much of  the credit for  the present  greatness  of our
       Company  is  due  to  the  S.O.E.'s  in  the  oil  fields.  Here  is  a   (Below)  This  is  what  the  city  of  Taft  looked  like  in  1909.
          group  of  old-time  Producing  Departme'nt  employees   It was  then  called Moron  and  had  a  population  of  100 I
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