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    GROUP  4  (Blue)

            SUPERVISED  CURRICULUM.  Pick either ses-
    4 01 sion  for  your  chi Id  this  summer.  Four weeks
             at  the  Pinecrest  Nursery  Kindergarten  School
            or  four  weeks  of  summer  camp  at  the  new
             Pinecrest   Valencia    Elementary    School.
             Lunches  and  supervised  activities  at  this out-
             standing  private  school  will  inspire your child
             and  give  his  parents  a  month's  rest this sum-
                                         Pinecrest Schools
                                                                      PSYCHIC  CARD  READING.  The  present  and
                                                             405 future  I ife  situations  of  two  of  you  wi 11  be
            PUT  ON  A  NEW  FACE.  Make  yourself cuter              analyzed  by  Jane  Grunnet,  a professional  card
   402  and  brighter with this $20 facial  from the  Hair-           reader  from  Claremont,  California.  On  spe-
            loom.    After  a  treatment  in  their  parlor,          cial  arrangement,  Ms.  Grunnet wi 11  be  brought
            they' 11  give  you  a  proper  amount  of  cleanser,     by  her  own  driver  to  your  home  to  interpret
            astringent  and  moisturizer  to  apply  at  home         your  future  opportunities.   Plan  at  least  two
            and  maintain your lovely appearance all summer.          hours  for  the  readings  - they're  thorough!
                                                 Hairloom                                              Jane Grunnet

                                                                      FOR  YOUR  ASHES,  WITH  CLASS.      Whether
                                                            406  you' re  a  smoker  or non-smoker, here's a rea I
                                                                      conversation  piece.   An  sol id-glass  ashtray
                                                                      bearing  the  official  seal  of  the  United  States
                                                                      Congress,  it's  a gift of Representative Wi 11 iam
                                                                      Ketchum.   If  you  don't  fi 11  it  with  butts, fi 11
                                                                      it with nuts,  mints or safety pins.  Whatever the
                                                                      use,  it' 11  impress  every  visitor  to your home.
                                                                                    Congressman William  Ketchum

                                                                     CONNOISSEUR'S CHOICE.  If you're a collector
                                                            407  of  fine  liquors,  here's  a  treat.  A  complete
                                                                     set  of  the  private  labels of Mr.  Norm  Levine's
                                                                     Valencia  Liquors.  One  fifth  each  of Old  New-
                                                                     hal I  Straight  Whiskey,  Old  Newhal I  Blended,
                                                                      Lyons-Hal I  Gin,  Glen  Valen  Scotch,  and  Va I-
                                                                     ha I la  Vodka.  A  great  addition  to  any  col lec-
                                                                     tion,  available  only  in  this  valley.   Drink
            JUST  LIKE  MR.  WELK.    Ever  wondered what            the  contents,  save the bottles.
  403 it  would  be  I ike  to  be  Lawrence  Welk?  Find
                                                                                                  Valencia  Liquors
            out.   Bid  on  his  personal  conductor's  baton
            (used  in  one  of  his  biggest  performances)
            and  look  what  you  get  - your name or message
            of  your  choice  on  the  marquee  of  his favorite
            theater  - the  Hollywood  Paladium!  Surprise
            your  wife,  put your message  in  pub I ic.  Every-
            one  on  Sunset  Blvd.  wi 11  see  it.   And  you
            get the baton.  Now,  A-one,  and  a-two and  a ...
                                       Mr.  Ralph  Portner
                                  The  Hollywood  Paladium

            HIS  'N  HERS  HAIR  STYLING.  Cut,  shape,  and
  404  style for man  and  woman. Jonathan Edwards wi 11
            coordinate  a couple's hair styles to complement
            each  other  in  the  1975  look.
                                        Jonathan  Edwards

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