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    GROUP  5              (Yellow)

             SHARE  OF  THE  BUNNIES.    Feel  like Hefner,
    501  live  like  a  playboy.     Bid  on  this  genuine,
             certified,  registered one  share of stock in Play-
             boy  Enterprises,  Incorporated.   This  is  the
             corporation  that  controls  Playboy  Magazine,
             40  Playboy  Clubs,  gambling  casinos,  resorts,
             and  thousands  of luscious "bunnies"  around the
            world.  The stock certificate  itself is a classic  -
             deep  purple,  adorned  with  its  own  undraped
             "Playmate".    Keep  it  in  a  security  box,  or
            hide  it  under  the  covers.  It's value  is sure to
                                            Mr. Bill  Sabol
                              Crowel I,  Weedon &  Company
                                                                     1TOUR  WITH  A  TROLL.      A  wallet  full  of  12
                                                            5 04 tickets  for  you  to  host  your friends during the
                                                                      summer  at Magic Mountain.  Use them two-by-
                                                                      two,  or  al I  at  once  in  a  big  summer bash.
                                                                      Visit the Animal  farm,  eat  at  "Das Alpenhaus",
                                                                      see  the  new  "Centennial  Station".  As a high-
                                                                      I ight,  your  party  wi 11  be  offered a personally-
                                                                      escorted  one-hour  tour  of  Magic  Mountain
                                                                      by  a genuine  live "troll".
                                                                                                    Magic Mountain

                                                                      THE  CHAMPIONSHIP  GOLF  TRAIL.  Win two
                                                            505  great  opportunities  to  taste  the  trials and  tri-
                                                                     bulations  of  championship  golf.  On  one  or two
                                                                     weekdays  of  your  choice  you  can  field  two
                                                                     foursomes  on  the  famous  Valencia  Champion-
                                                                     ship  Golf  Course  des·igned  by  Robert  Trent
                                                                     Jones.  These  magnificent,  emerald green fair-
                                                                     ways,  sprinkled  with  lakes,  waterfal Is  and
                                                                     devi I ish  ponds,  are  esteemed  among  top  rank-
                                                                      ing  pros  as  savagely  cha I lenging.  Chauffeur
                                                                     yourselves  in  the  2  golf carts provided free of
           ,CLAIM  OF  OUTER  SPACE.  Thought  you  had
                                                                                              Valencia  Golf Course
  502 everything?         How  about  this?   A  claim  to
            a  genuine  ranch estate  on  the  planet  Mercury
            (the  one  nearest  the  Sun).  Offered by a mem-        SMASHING  IDEA._  Quit  work, forget the shop-
            ber  of  the  Astronomical  Society of the Pacific,   506  ping,  leave  the  kids.  Enjoy a  two-day (Tues-
            the  title  includes  an  official  interplanetary       day-Wednesday  session)  Tennis  College  cl inic
            quitclaim  deed,  I isting  the  coordinates of your
                                                                     at  Rancho  Bernardo Country Resort,  just north
            property,  and  an  aerial  photo of your property       of  San  Diego.   The  professionals wi 11  improve
            taken  by  Mariner  10.   The  estate  contains
                                                                     your  serve,  correct  your  backhand.   Then
            126,000 acres and  includes a spectacular crater.        come  back and  beat  everyone.
            Hot  in  the daytime,  cool  at nights.  Remember,
                                                                                   Rancho  Bernardo Tennis College
            they  laughed  at  people  who  bought  land  in
                               Dr.  William Jennings,  Ph.D.

            FOR  SLALOM  CHAMPS.         If  you  insist  on
  503  walking  on  water,  here  is the finest equipment
            you  can  find.   A  genuine  Taperflex  Concave
            Slalom  Water  Ski,  embellished  with  the  bril-
            liant  and  beautiful  "Budweiser" pattern.  This
            slalom  ski  is  the  choice  of champions  and  can
            be  mastered  by  even  the  slightest  beginner.
                                   Western Sports  Center

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