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    GROUP  7  (Purple)

            FRAME  JOB.      Hang  Grandpa,  your  children,
    701 or  your  favorite  prints  and  posters!     Our
            valley's  newest,  most professional  frame shop,
            Epic  Art Center,  wi 11  do  $60  worth  of custom
            framing  for  your  pictures.   If  you  want to  ex-
            amine their work, look around during the auction.
            They  framed  vi rlual ly  every  piece  of  artwork
            donated to this auction.
                                           Epic Art Center

            WOMAN'S  BEST  FRIEND.  Dazzle  your  lady
   702  with  this stunning,  custom-made,  14-carat yel-
             low  gold  ring.  Capped  with  a  precious  setting
            of  diamonds  and  jade  by  Newhall's most skill-
            ful  jeweler,  it's  an  ideal  item to  cement  a new
            relationship or patch  up  an  old one.                  SLICE  OF  HISTORY.  Remember the Lyons Oak?
                                       Alexander Jewelers  705  It  stood  for  four  hundred  years  along  Lyons
                                                                     Avenue  unti I  being  chopped  down  last  year.
                                                                     The  Boys'  Club  rescued  a  slice  of  the  base,
                                                                     8  inches  thick,  32  inches  in  diameter,  and  it
                                                                     can  be  yours.  Sti 11  too  green  to  seal,  let  it
                                                                     sit,  then  scorch  it,  varnish  it  or  coat  it.  A
                                                                     unique  coffee  table,  mantle  piece  or  artwork,
                                                                     just count the  rings.
                                                                                     Santa  Clarita Valley Boys'  Club

                                                                     SHIPWRECKED WITH  "MISS USA".  Who better
                                                            706  to  take  to  dinner at  fabulous  Shipwreck Kelly's
                                                                     than  Summer  Bartholomew,  recently  named
                                                                      "Miss  U.S.A.  -  1975"!   You'll  dine  in  the
                                                                     atmosphere  of  a  clipper ship while Chef Chuck
                                                                      Hughes  prepares  for the two of you  his gastro-
                                                                     nomic  delights.  By  special  arrangement  with
                                                                     Miss  Bartholomew,  before  or  after  the  "Miss
                                                                     Universe"  pageant.    Your  friends  wi 11  never
                                                                     believe you!
                                                                                         Miss Summer Bartholomew
                                                                                                  Shipwreck  Kelly's
                                                                                Aggi's  Articles of Feminine Apparel

            WHAT  A  RACQUET!      Here's  your  chance  to
  7  03  get  a  grip  on  the  personal  racquet  of  Jimmy
                                                                     MEMENTO  OF  THE  PRESIDENT.  With  this
            Conners  -   conquerer  of  Laver,  Newcombe    7 07  pen,  President  Gerald  Ford  signed  a  piece
            and  Wimbledon  champ.   He  used  it  in  a tour-       of  legislation.   It  can  be  yours,  for  keeps,
            nament  and  it's  personally  autographed  by           comp I iments  of  our  Congressman Barry Gold-
            the  world's  number  one  tennis player himself.        water,  Jr.
                                      Mr. Jimmy Conners
                                                                                 Congressman  Barry Goldwater,  Jr.
            GOLDEN  BIRTHDAY  PARTY.  A  parly  for  up
  7 04 to  20  children,  hosted  by  two  McDonald's
            "Golden  Girls,"  at  McDonald's  restaurant  in
            Canyon  Country.  A  dream  parly  for any  chi Id,
            it  includes hamburgers, fries,  cokes  and favors
            for  al I  the  kids,  plus  a  luscious  bi rlhday
            cake  for  the  guest  of  honor.  And  the  Golden
            Girls will  host  games for all  the kids!
                                    Mr. &  Mrs.  Don  Olsen
                                   McDonald's  Restaurant

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