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Late Addition  to  the Auction  Catalogue:

                    Item  33: A Seven-Day  Cruise  for  Two!

              A HONEYMOON CRUISE  TOMEXICO! The most             For  entertainment,  there's  five pubs for cock-
       33  fabulous  item ever offered at our auction wi 11  be   tails,  a  nightly  floor show,  dance bands,  a dis-
              yours  - a  ful I  7-day vacation  cruise for two to   cotheque  and  a casino.
              Mexico!  Make it an escape, make it a fling,  make
              it a second honeymoon!  Pick the Saturday of your    Your  itinerary:   you' 11  depart  Los  Angeles
                                                                 on  5 p.m. Saturday,  arriving at Puerto Vallarta,
              choice  during  September  or  October.  You'll
              board  Sitmar  Cruises'  splendid  flagship,  the   Mexico,  at  8  a.m.  Tuesday,  where  you'll  have
              "T .S.S.  F ai rsea"  (of Liberian registry)  in  Los   a  11  day  to  stroll11  the  cobb I estone  streets  and
                                                                 visit  the  famous  Playa del  Sol.  After a night's
             Angeles.  A  luxurious ship  in the classic style,
             the  Fairsea  will  be  your  home  for  the  next   sail,  you'll  arrive  Wednesday  morning  in
             seven  days  - for  a  style  of  living  unequalled   Mazatlan,  for  a  day  of  shopping  and  marlin
             on  shore.  You' 11  have  a luxurious, first-class   sportfishing.   Sailing  again,  you'll  spend  the
             stateroom on  the Monte Carlo deck with an  out-    next  morning  at  Cabo  San  Lucas,  the  tip  of
             side,  ocean  view  - completely air-conditioned,   Baja, for some fabulous  skin-diving.  The return
             carpeted,  with  two  lower  beds  and  private     trip  to  Los  Angeles ends  on  Saturday morning.
             faci I ities.                                       You' II  arrive tanned, relaxed and with unequal led
                For  a  ful I  week,  you' 11  be  spoiled and  pam-
             pered by the 500-member Italian crew.  Lounge         This  trip  open  to  al I  voyages  departing  any
             or  strollI  the  teak decks,  enjoy duty-free shop-  Saturday,  September  13  through  October  25,
             ping,  or  choose  your  recreation.   There's      1975,  inclusive.  Winners are to make arrange-
             three swimming pools,  shuffleboard, trapshoot-    ments  through  any  of  the  three  local  travel
             ing,  even  a  driving range.  In the evening,  play   agencies:   Shaw  Travel  Service,  Newhall-Va-
             chess,  bridge,  or  enjoy  a  first-class movie  in   lencia  Travel  Service  or  Air-Ease  Travel.
             the ship's private theater.                        All  accommodations  and  meals  included.  (Re-
                                                                tail  value:  $1,370.)
               The  continental  cuisine  and  fine  wines  are
             yours  in  either  of  two  dining  rooms.  Sample   Bid  on  this  and  make someone you  love very .
             everything  from  top  sirloin  to  crepe suzettes.   happy.  Sitmar Cruises will  do the rest!
                                                                                               Sitmar Cruises
                                This  donation will  be  auctioned off as

                               Item No.  33  as  part of. the Live Auction  at

      The  Boys' Club Auction  - Saturday, June  14, 1975
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