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The  Santa  Clarita                                Valley  Boys'  Club

                  The  Santa  Clarita  Valley  Boys'  Club  is  a
                chartered member of the Boys' Club of Amer-
                ica,  and  is  headquartered  in  Newhal I.  We
                provide after-school  and  weekend  recreation
                and  social  activities,  including  arts  and
                crafts,  special trips, education  and  guidance
                to  youngsters  from 7-18  in the communities
                of  Newhal I,  Saugus,  Valencia,  Castaic  and
                Canyon  Country.
                  At  present  we  maintain  a  combination
                administration  office  - teen  center in New-
                hal I  and  four  satel I ite  faci I ities  located  at
                Emblem,  Skyblue  Mesa,  Valley  View,  and
                Castaic  Schools.   During  the  summer,  we
                conduct  additional  programs  at  many  other

                  Our  five  programs  combined  now  serve
                a  total  250  children  throughout  the  valley     Our  long-term  goal  is  to  establish  our
                each  day,  five days a week,  and  our faci I ities   own  private clubhouses  in the outlying areas
                are  used  by  over  1,000 different youngsters    of  our  valley  to  avail  our services to  every
                during the year.
                                                                   child.  The  pictures  on  this  page  show  the
                                                                   activities  at  two  of  our  sate II ite  buildings.
                                                                   Both  quarters  provide  indoor  and  outdoor
                                                                   recreation  to  local  neighborhood  children
                                                                   without  interfering  with  pub I ic  school  pro-
                                                                   grams  or  facilities.   During  the  coming
                                                                   year, we hope to  construct our third sate II ite
                                                                   clubhouse  at  Valley View School.

                                                                     Our  building  program  and  operating  ex-
                                                                   penses  are  financed  by  the  United  Way,
                                                                   Sentry  Club  memberships,  private  contri-
                                                                   butions,  foundations,  and  by  special  events
                                                                   such  as this auction.

                                                                     We  thank  you  for  your  attendance  at
                                                                  this  event  and  hope  you  have  an  en j oyab I e

                               We  thank you  for  your  attendance

                    The  Santa  Clarita                                  Valley  Boys'  Club

                            Member  Agency                                United  Way
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