Page 13 - tn8201
P. 13

           211  Da\·id  Kra111er  has  created  a  beautiful  woods   216  ::t~s?HS~~L~:~1p~~~- a~t~:h :Vith  tl~i~
           scene  in  \'ello\\'s  a nd  bro\\'ns.  You  ca n  a lmost  smell  the   personally-fitted  ball  a nd  shoes  including a  color coordi-
           S\\Tet  \\"O~Hled  scents.  This  original  o il  will  clra\\'  "ohs"   nated  bag.  C hoice of  finest  quality  in  th e  house,  male or
           a nd  "ahs"  frrnn  )'ottr  friends  a nd  a  lifetime  o f  pleasure   female.  Includes filling a nd drilling of bo\\'ling ball.
           for yo u  ,md  your family.                                                      S{{ 11/0  c:/(I rito  l ,r111< 1 s/C/11h  G< 1 1w\"is
                                             Creofi·ue A rf A 11cf io11s
                                                                              LIBERATED,  BUT  STILL  DOING  WIN-
                    INVITE  THE  GANG  OVER  FOR  STEAK  -          217  DOWS?  Here's  a n  offer you  shouldn 't  refuse!
           212  then  surprise  them  \\'ith  a  lop  sirloin  steak   Six  \\'eek's  housecleaning  se r\'ice,  a  4- hour  111ini111urn
           dinner  complete  \\'ith  yummy  baked  potato  and  salad.   each  \\'eek.  Can  be  used  for  co111111ercial ,  private  resi-
           Hm\'  a re  you  going  to  do  a ll  of that,  you  as k?  Let  The   dences  or  rentals.  We  do  \\'indo\\'s!  Good  only  in  the
           I lappy  Steak  do  a ll  o f  the  work  fo r  yo u.  L' p  to  IO  big   anta  Clarita  Valley  a nd  for  no  rnore  than  :~,000  square
           dinners  including coffee.  l\:o  take-out  dinners,  a nd chil-  feet.
           drell  must  be acco111pa11ied  by an adult.                                '., Cfr,011i11g Sn·uice
                                                Tlif' H(/jJjJ)' SINtk
                                                                              FIFI  OR  FIDO  WILL  LOVE  BEING  PAM-
                    SUN  'N  FUN  FOR  THE  DUFFERS  a waits
                                                                    218  PERED  from  head  lo  tail.  Professionally
           213  yo ur  party  as  you  challenge  the  "links".  Two
                                                                    g roomed  including  bath ,  brush,  nails  clipped,  e,1rs,  flea
           cornplete  four  omes  o f  golf,  play  a ny  day  e xcept
                                                                    and tick dip a nd  rnedicated  bc1th.  This $50 ce rtificate \\'ill
           weekends and  holidays,  a re  yours in  this  package.  While
                                                                    be  applied  to  services.  Pct  sen ·ices  are  priced  according
           impro\'ing yo ur stroke a nd e njoying the companionship,
                                                                    to  size,  breed a nd  se rvices  required.  Please,  no  frowning
           yo u  \\'ill  be  riding in  style  in  the golf carts  that  a lso  com-
                                                                    dogs!  Good  until June  I,  I mt).
           plement this sporting ach·e nturc.
                                                                                         1>/oi11  N  F111l(y  - /\ II nu,nl Groo111i11g
                                        Vista  Valf'11ci(I  Golf Crm nr 1
                                                                    219  ~~~0~~~~(~-,~?;~J,I~~~ ,:(~~c,~~~~
                                                                    a  receptionist  to  you  \,·hen  you  lic1vc  a  temporary  prob-
                                                                    lem.  Don 't  lose  business  for  lack  of  help.  T\rn  days
                                                                    notice required, one full  K- hour da)'.  Li111ited  to SCV.
                                                                                                       S.C. V.  Ti' lllj}Ol"(ll"i( 1 S

                                                                              BAREFOOT BLUES??  Kuy  so rnc  shoes!  This
                                                                    2 2  0  fif"ty-dollar  g ift  certificate  \\'ill  buy  designer
                                                                    labe ls  and  11amebra11ds,  \\'holes;tle  to  the  public.  Over
                                                                    '.mo  .-tyles  in  ;di  sizes.  Also,  a  fine  selection  o f  handbc1gs.

                                                                                                              I I igli  I I <<'!.'°
                                                                              CUDDLE UP A  LITTLE CLOSER  a nd  \\'rap
                                                                    221  this  l\\'in -si:te  afghan  kllit  around  yo u  ,md
                                                                    1-c\·e l in  its snugness and  bec1uty.  The cuddly ,tf'gh,tn  is  in
                                                                    e;.1rth colors,  brown, gold, orallgc and crea111.
                                                                                                          'f'!u 1  Nl'l'rllf'worl<s

                                                                              DON'T WAIT FOR THE RAINS TO COME
                                                                    2 2 2  begi11  that  \\'atcring _job  now.  It  will  be  a  lot
                    HEY  HILLBILLIES!!!  Ha\'e  a  foot-stornpin'   easier \\'it Ii  I his ·\'".'\"  x  I 00' Superior \\'ater  hose.  Red  rub-
           214  hoedo\\'n  af"ter  this  series  of  classes  for  you   ber  \\'ith  full  brass  e nds.  Get  to  those  dry  spots  no\\'  be-
           alld  your  spouse  or  friend  in  the  f'ine  old  art  of square   fore  I he su 111 mer  heat  burns I hem  up. C r\\'O  hoses of ·\"'.'\"
           dancing.  Classes  begin  Sept.  1mr2  and  colltinue  01ice  a   x  :)O'  each.)
           week  011  Tuesdays  at  7:'.H)  P.1\1.  at  Sierra  \'ista Jr.  I Iigh                       Al« 1 111or  lud11sfril's
           u nt ii  graduation  i 11  A pril  of  I 9tn.  A ft e r  g r,td uat ion,  th e
           couple  may _join  in  club  acti\·ities  \\'hich  i11clude  Lt111ily   STARTING YOUR OWN PONY EXPRESS?
           Gt111 pin g  \,·eekends,  rnyst cry  b11s  trips ,  a1111 u,tl  "sheri lls"
                                                                    223  You'll  need  this  set  of old  U .S.  Cavalry s,1ddle
           picnic, and  rna11y,  mally 111orc.                      bags  to  get  you  started.  For  the  .collector  or  the
                                Sif'IT({  I I ii I hi/ I if's Sq11r1 U '  /)o IIU'  Cl 11/J
                                                                    n1c111orabilia  fa n.
                                                                    l,l'H.oy  I l nsl:rrn 1 ifz
                    PARK IT!  Add  this  nm-cl,  fully  <111to111a1cd  2-
           215  hour  parking  rnetcr  to  your  fo111ily  roorn  or
                                                                              MOTHER'S TO BE,  take note!  Cntil  that  "lit-
           use  it  to  start  charging your teen,1ger  for  usin g  the  tele-
                                                                    224  tle  one"  arri\'CS  you  can  look  good  by  using
           phone.  One  penny  gi\-cs  I~  e n_joyable  111inutes.  Co111cs
                                                                    this  $50  gift  ccrtificc1te  on  your 111a1ernity  wardrobe.  It's
           mounted  on  a  pole  and  sLtnd  and  with  keys  lo  1111loc k
                                                                    a  speci;tl  Ii 111e,  so  co111c  in  a nd  pick  out  a  special  out fit
           th e  coin  box to collect  yo11r  s;willgs.
                                                                    before Dcce111be r :rn,  l ~)82 .
                                       Mr.  1111d  J\ln .Jo/111  i\l(ltfrf(I/
                                                                                                               Kid's A I ft,y
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