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HOOK THAT BIG ONE and  play him  like a                  BRING  THE  WOODS  INDOORS  with  this
           109  pro  with  this  fresh  waler  rod  and  reel  from   115  original  oil  by  Cherie  Schreier,  well-known
           Daiwa.  This contemporary matching outfit is  from  their   local  artist.  This  forest-in-the-snow  scene  will  bring  the
           popular  Black  Gold  Series.  You'll  find  that  it  is  light-  enchantment  of  the  evergreens  in  winter  into  your
           weight  and  has  a  precision  bearing  system  which  pro-  home.
           vides  smooth,  reliable  action.  Use  this  system  to  help                                Chrrie R. Schrrier
           keep your frying pan stocked for many years to come.
                                                    Daiwa Corp.               REFURBISH  THOSE  WORN  SPOTS  on
                                                                     116  your truck seats with this full-bench truck seat
                     LEAVE  THE  WASHTUB  IN  THE  ATTIC             cover with  gun  scabbard.  Made of a  one-piece polyester
           110  and  take  your  small  breed  dog  to  the  Pam-    stretch  fabric  for  a  tight  tailored  fit,  you'll  find  this  at-
           pered  Pup  for  bathing,  nails,  ears  and  gland  cleaning   tractive  cover is  warm  in  winter and cool  in  summer.  It
           and  hair  styling.  Four  groomings  are  included  - that's   fits  most standard pick-up and larger truck seals and can
           enough  to  make  your  pooch  the  princess,  or  prince, of   be exchanged al Bill's for another of the attractive colors
           the  neighborhood for a  long time.  But note this one re-  in  stock.
           striction: Cocker Spaniels are not accepted.                                               Bill's Muffler Service
                                               Thr Pamperrd Pup

                     DRIVING  A  ROLLER  COASTER?  Don't
           111  risk  seasickness  any  longer  with  your  rolling,
           pitching, rocking auto. Goodyear's expert mechanics will
           install  four  heavy-duty  shock  absorbers  on  your  car  lo
           give  you  the  safe,  level,  and  smooth  ride  you  want.
           Shocks  will  be  installed  by  appointment,  but only  U.S.-
           made cars qualify for this great offer.
                                      Newhall Goodyear Tire Center

                     RING  AROUND  THE  COLLAR,  PARD-
           112  NER?  Never again  ... when you  use Amway
           products to wash away  those stains that come from  hard
           work out on the range. Use this  14 lb.  box of SA 7  Laun-
           dry  compound,  32  oz.  fabric  softener  and  brightener
           and  this  7  lb.  Tri-zyme  pre-soak  and  detergent booster
           to keep your wardrobe looking its  best.  They're concen-
           trated so a little goes a long way.
                                                  Patricia LaRue

                     WEREWOLF TENDENCIES??? Try this full-
           113  moon  special.  You  receive  two  I-hour  elec-
           trolysis sessions with Wendy Pelkey.
                                               "The Skin Soother"

                                                                              HERE'S  YOUR  CHANCE  to  ask  all  your
                                                                     117  questions about law and order and get the an-
                                                                     swers right from  the top.  Have lunch  in  a charming res-
                                                                     taurant with Sheriff Sherman Block. Limited Lo  one per-
                                                                     son, and time must be mutually agreed upon.
                                                                                                      Sher~fT Sherman Block

                                                                              EVERYONE  NEEDS  ONE  - - - and  hopes
                                                                     118  that  it  never  sees  service.  This  5-pound  fire
                                                                     extinguisher  can  be  conveniently  located  in  your  home
                                                                     as  a  measure  of "home  security".  Classified  a  an  ABC
                                                                     unit, its  chemical agent is  effective in  extinguishing fires
                     SAIL ALONG ON MOONLIGHT BAY with                associated  with  burning  wood,  flammable  liquids  and
            114  a  serenade  by  "It's  Not Our Fault",  a  barber-  electrical equipment.
           shop quartet from our own Santa Clarita Valley Chapter                                   American Homf Sernrity
           of SPEBSQSA.  This  quartet will  perform  for  any  occa-
           sion  for  one-half  hour  by  singing  the  sweetest,  most       IT'S  YOUR  MOVE,  PARTNER!  And  you
           melodic harmonizing this  side of Georgia!  Must be out-  119  will  love  telling  your  opponent  "checkmate"
           side  of regular  busine s  hours,  on  nights  or  weekends.   when  you  exhibit  your  skills  on  this  beautifully  hand-
           One month's notice, please.                               made oak and walnut chess board. The approximate size
                                              "It's Not Our Fault"   is  l 9"xl 9".
                                               Barbrrshop Quartet                                             Blal<e Daley

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