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P. 4

The Rules of the Auction

                                                                   7.  In  the  event  tlic1t  bidding  is  still  in  progress  11·li c11  th e  11_oys'
                    Live Auction                                     &  Cirls'  Club  OITicial  attempts  to  close  the  board,  the  Oll1nal
                                                                     shall  conduct a  mini-live  auction  011  the  spot  allowing  all  per-
                                                                     sons  wishing  to  bid  to  do  so  and  shall  d ctern1i11e  tlie  winning
           I.  The  Live  Auction  wi ll  begin  at  9:00  p.m.  and  will  run  to  ap-
                                                                     bidder,  :-,uhjcct  to  rule  8  below.
             proximately  11:30  p.m.  It  will  consist  of'  the  voice  auct~onmg   8.  After  the  bid  hoard  is  closed,  the  bid  sheet  will  be  taken  to
             of  Items  701  through  736  in  th e  order  they  appear  111  tl 11s   th ,  item  \'erificatio11  table.  At  this  time,  the  \"alidit y  of'  all  bids
             catalogue  and  in  the addendu~1.   .                  will  be  \'eriried  (bid  number,  e\·cn  dollar  bids,  111i11i111u111  in-
          2.  All  bidding  at  the  auction  will  require  a  bid  number.  Your   crease,  etc).  The  hi ghc:-.t  \'alid  bid  will  be  d ccb rcd  t lie  winner
             personal  bid  number  is  located  on  the  back  of your  catal?gue   and  tl1l'.  dcci:-.io11  or the  ollicial  \rill  be  final.  Shortly  a lt er  the
             along  wit h  your  registration  ccrtiricate.  Fill  out  your  reg1st ra-  board  is  closed,  ,111  official  shall  post  tl1 e  bid  11u1nber  or  the
             tion  card  in  ad\'ance  to  a\·oid  congcstio11  at  the  entrance  011   winning  bidder on  th e  board.
             the  auction  C\'cning.  A  bid  card  is  required  for  a ll  bidding and
             purchasing of' items.              _       _
          3.  During  the  live  auction,  when  you  want  to  bid  011  an  item,
             wave  your  porn-porn  as  f'rantically  as  possible  to  attract  the  ~lU-  MasterCard  &  VISA
             ctionecr's  or  spotter's  attention.  II"  you  win  an  item ,  im-
             mediately  announce  your  bid  number  to  the  auctioncc r  or       Accepted
             spotter and  remain  in  you r  seat.  _   .   _  _  _
          4.  A  "runner"  will  bring  a  sales  slip  dll"ectly  to  you,_ 1nd1cat1_ng   MasterCard,  VISA,  BankAmericard
             the  prit.C  )'OU  ha\'C  purchased  a1HI  the  amount  OI  your  Wln-  Gffds  will  be  accepted  at  tile  auction
             11ing  bid.  You  may  wait  until  t li e  encl  ol  t li e  e\·c n1n g  and  pay   for  all  expenses  and  purchases,  including  a~llllission_ catalo_gues,  bar
             for  all  yo ur  purchases  at  one  ti111e  at  the  cash  table.
                                                                 and  raffle  tickets,  and  for  the  purchasing of  all  auction  prizes.
          5.  All  goods  (not  services)  arc  subject  to  the  6% California sales
             tax  which  will  be added  to  the amount of your purchase.
                                                                            General  Rules
                   Silent Auction
                                                                    I .  Th~  Boys'  &  Girls'  Club  requires  that  all  prizes  he  paid  for
                                                                      in  full  at  the  auction.  Payment  may  be  lllacle  by  cash ,  check,
           I.  The  silent  auction  will  begin  at  6:00  p.m.  and  will  consist  of'
                                                                      Ba11kA111ericard ,  V ISA,  or  MasterCard .
             written  bidding  on  approximately  500  items  posted  011  the  bid
                                                                    2.  Unless  otherwise  specified,  all  auction  items  and  scr\'iccs
             boards  along  the  walls.  12  group"  or bid  board  llCllls  a rc  listed
                                                                      must  be  used  within  one  year  from  June  12,  1982.  Un lcs~
             in  this  catalogue.  Additional  items  will  be  adde_d  to  group  I 3
                                                                      othtT\,·isc  specil'icd  or  stat ed  by  donor,  all  items  arc  transl Tr-
             and  wi ll  be  listed  in  the  addendu lll ,  published  _Just  bclorc  the
                                                                      able  rrom  the  winner  to  another  perso n.
             auction.  The Live Auction  is  group  700.
                                                                    '.1.  According  to  the  Internal  Revenue  Service,  only  th e  amount
           2.  Each  item  can  be  located  according  to  its  group  11ulllber.  Bids
             wi ll  be  accepted  on  each  item  until  the  board  closes.  The  fol-  paid  lor  an  auction  pri1.c  "in  excess  of the  actu~l  c~sh_  value
                                                                      of  that  prize"  is  tax  d eductible.  A  wntte11  receipt  1nd1catlllg
             lowing  arc  the  closing  t illlc\:
                                                                      sucli  a11  amount  for  tax  purposes  will  be  issu ·cl  to  you  al ter
             Group  I         Itetlls  101 - 140   Closes  7:20
                                                                      the  auction  ,it  your  request.
             G roup  2        lt etlls  20 1-240   C lmes  7 :<-10
                                                                    4.  All  sales  are  final.  Howe\'e r,  t lie  Boys'  &  Girls'  Club  will  re-
             Group  3         Items  30 1-340   Closes  8:00
                                                                      runcl  th e  lull  purchase  price  or any  item  where  there  is  a  rail-
             Group4           lte llls40 1-440   Closcs8:20
                                                                      urc  or  perf'onnance  either  011  tl1c  part  of  th e  Boys'  &  Girls'
             Croup !J         Items !j0 l-!VI0   Closes  8:40
                                                                      Club or on  t li e  part  of' the  donor.
             Group fi         ltcllls  60 1-6-1-0   Closes  ~):00
                                                                    !">.  All  winning bidders  arc  to  report  to  the  casl~ier's  table  to  pay
             Croup  7         I tetlls  70 I-736   The Live  Auction
                                                                      for  the  items  and  to  claim  their  prizes.  Any  l)l(lder  not  making
             Croup  8         I terns  80 1-840   Closes  ~):'.W
                                                                      arran ge lllen ts  lor  payment at  the  cashier'~  table  by  12:~0_ a.n~.
             Croup  9         I terns  90 1-940   Closes  9:40
                                                                      may,  at  the  discretion  of'  th e  Boys'  &  C1rls'  Club_,  lo rlcn  his
             Croup  10        ltellls  1001 - 1040   Closes  10:00
                                                                      right  to  purchase  the  itclll  and  it  will  be  !llade  a\'adablc  to  the
             Group  11        lt ellls  1101 - 11-1-0   Closes  10 :20
                                                                      next  hig hest  bidder.   .       .
             Croup  12        lt etlls  120 1- 1240   Closes  10:-10
                                                                    6.  All  items  should  be  re1110\'cd  from  the  prem ises  011  th e  night
             Group  13        It e111s  U0 I  8.:.  up   Closes  I 1:00   _
                                                                      or  tlic  auctio11.  In  the  e\·e11t  you  cannot  remove  your  pur-
           3.  All  items  in  the  silent  auction  ha\'e  bid  sheets  attached  or  af -
                                                                      chases  that  e\·c11i11g  tl1c11  you  111ust  do  so  bct11-ccn  12  110011  ,~ncl
             fixed  nearby.  Persons  cle:-.iring  to  bid  lllmt  do  so  legibly,  wri_t-
                                                                      :J  p.n1.  011  Sunday, Jun e  l '.1,  1982.  If'  you  \\"isli  to  do  otherwise,
             ing  their  11a111e,  bid  card  number,  and  tl~c  a111ount  ol  the  b_1d
                                                                      prior  arrangements  must  be  made  by  either  the  purchase r  or
             011  the  bid  sheet.  Any  bid  without  a  btd  card  number  will
             be automatically  disqualified.
           4.  Each  bid  sheet  notes  a  minimum  value  by  which  the  existing
             bid  lllUSt  be  increased  in  order to  con st it utc  a  hi gher  \·,did  bid .
             Each  new  bid  111ust  be  writte11  on  the  uppermost  blank  line   Additions  &  Corrections
             a\'ailablc  011  the  bid  sheet.                      This  c.1talouue  contai ns  only  those  itcllls  a\'ai lable  at  tlie  tim ·  or
           5 .  All  bids  lllUSt  be  in  even  dollar  amounts  (110  cents).  A11y  bid
                                                                    publicat io1 /., A  special  addendu111  to  be  published  and  gi \-c11  to
             which  include:-.  cents  will  be  auton 1atica lly  disqualiried .
                                                                    each  guest  at  the  auction  ,,·ill  li\t  an  aclditional  group  ol  bid
           6.  The  bid  boards  will  be  closed  approximately  at  the  tirncs
                                                                    board  items.  Tlie  addendulll  \\'ill  also  11st  all  correct1011s  an d  d cle-
             stated  here  in  tlic  catalogue.  Howc\·er,  t lie  official  closing  11·ill
                                                                    t io11s  11ecess;1ry  for  a 11 y  item  published  in  this  catalogue.
             be  that  time  when  the  Boys'  &  Cirls'  Club  Official  actua ll y  re-
             move-;  the  bid  sheet  fro111  the  board .
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9