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            The  Santa  Clarita  Valley  Boys'  and  Girls'  Club
        gratefully  ack11owledges  the  generosity  of all  donations
        pledged  in  support  of our  1982  Benefit  Auction.  It  is
        thrnllgh  the  far-reaching  contributions  of  individtials,
        businesses  and  indu  tries  that  tonight's  Allction  is  pre-
        se11tcd.  Your  support  continues  to  touch  and  enrich
        the  lives  of  the  youngsters  of  our  co111111unit y.  l t  is
        through  your· coll(crn  and  generosity  that  this  youth
        organi1ation  exists.
            We  wish  you  a  highly  enjoyable  evening  and  hope
        you  continue  to  help  us  by  bidding  generously  on  the
        Auction  items.  The  Santa  Clarita  Valley  Boys'  and
        Girls'  Club  welcomes  you  to  its  I 1th  Annual  Benefit

                                            THE BOYS'  AND GIRLS'  CLUB

            The  Boys'  and  Girls'  Club  is  a  youth  guidance  or-  lowing  them  to  develop  values  and  skills  during critical
        ganization  providing  meaningful  activity  and  character   periods  of  growth.  All  youngsters  can  benefit  by  the
        building  programs  for  youngster  in  the  Santa  Clarita   programs  provided  by  the  Club.  Perhaps  those  who  be-
         Valley.  Founded  in  1968,  it  is  part  of  a  national  net-  nefit  most  are  children  re  iding  in  families  where  both
        work  of organizations  affiliated  with  the  Boys'  Clubs  of'   parents  work,  or  in  families  where  there  is  only  one
         America.                                                 parent.
            The  most  inclusive  club  in  the  valley,  the  Boys'   The  generous  support  of  our  community  con-
        and  Girls'  Club  provides  daily  activities  at  6  different   tinues  to  provide  the  incentive for  the  Club's continued
        program  sites.  Conveniently  located  on  school  ground  ,   growth.  In  October of  198 l  the  Club's  first  permanent
        the  club  is  within  easy  walking  distance  for  a  large   Clubhouse  opened  at  Emblem  School.  The culmination
         number  of  children.  The  wcll-rounclecl  program  in-  of  5  years  of  planning,  ·the  facility  has  become  the
        clude  Social  Recreation,  Co-ed  Sports  Leagues,  Arts  &   showcase  for  youth  programming  in  the  Santa  Clarita
        Crafts  and  Special  Events.  Frequent  trips  and  camp-  Valley.  In  November  of  1981  construction  bega11  on
        outs  are  planned  for  weekends.  The  program  operates   the  Club's  second  permanent  clubhous  ,  located  on  the
        during  after-school  and  evening  hours  when  young-   campus  of Sierra  Vista  Junior  Iligh  School  in  Canyon
         sters  are  best.  able  to  attend.                     Country.  Similar  in  nature  to  the  facility  al  Emblem,
             The  Hoys'  and  Girls'  Club  employs  a  professional   the  ultramodern  structure  will  double  the  capacity  to
        _ staff  who  are  trained  in  the  Boys'  Club  philosophy  of   serve  the  youngster ·  of this  area.
         providing  informal  guidance  through  individual  and      horn  its  inception  the  Boys'  and  Girls'  Club  has
         small  group  experiences.  By  recogni7ing  and  respond-  responded  to  growing  needs  for  youth  se.rvices
         ing  to  the  re~tless  energies,  curiosity,  and  youthful   through  planned  expansion  and  program  develop-
         quest  for  ''something  to  do",  the  Boy-s'  and  Girls'  Club   ment.  Your  continued  support  has  brightened  the
         gives  youngsters  a  chance  to  improve  their  live  by  al-  dreams and  hopes of thousand  of youngsters.
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