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                                                              Items  201-240                        Closes  7:40
                                                                              NEED  TO  SPRUCE  UP  for  the  Prom?
                                                                     204  Be  cool,  be  hip  with  this  "his  or  hers"
                                                                     complete cut,  perm, and style.  Call  for  appointment,
                                                                                                        Fashion  Factree

                                                                              SEW  IN  STYLE  with  this  beautiful  im-
                                                                     205  ported  needlepoint  sewing  basket  and  set
                                                                     of  Wiss  sewing  scissors,  to  boot.  Check  it  out,  and
                                                                     then check it  out!
                                                                                                       House  of Fabrics

                                                                              WHAT'S  THE  OCCASION?  Wedding,
                                                                     206  birthday,  anniversary?  Whatever  it  may
                                                                     be,  you're  set with  this  special  occasion  cake,  deco-
                                                                     rated  to  suit  your  theme.  Serving  50  people,  select
                                                                     your  flavor  and  occasion.  Be  a  hit!  Call  to  schedule
                                                                     and use  before  12-31-84.
                                                                                             Francis  and Virginia  Wrage

                                                                              "WHERE  DO  I BEGIN?"  With  Cotillion
                     "COME  ON-A  MY  HOUSE",  you'll                2  0 7 lessons,  of  course!  This  item  is  for  a  girl
           201  say  with  this  beautiful  starter  set  of         or  boy,  6th-10th  grade.  Lessons  in  social  dancing
           Noritake  Stoneware.  Service  for  four,  your  16-piece   and  etiquette  have  launched  many  careers.  Classes
           set  also  includes  two  serving  pieces.  This  Concept   meet  monthly,  beginning  the  first  Saturday  in  Oc-
           I Stoneware,  in  the  Sorcerer pattern,  is  designed  for   tober,  1984,  continuing  through  May,  1985.  The
           the  practical  on-the-go  personality.  It's  oven  and   SCV Cotillion  meets  at Arroyo  Seco Junior  High  on
           microwave  safe, and is  a  pleasant blend of blue and    Saturdays.
           brown.                                                                           Santa  Clarita  Valley  Cotillion
                                     The  Gourmet House, Inc.                                 Gloria  Monaghan,  director
                                                                                          Chris  Masoner,  area chairman
                     OH,  GOODIE!  That's  what  you'll  re-
           202  ceive  with  this  Charles  Chips  goodie  bas-               HERE,  ROVER!  Just  what  your  pooch
           ket,  chock  full  with  delicious  products.  Goodie     208  ordered,  a  decorator  potty.  How  about
           goodie for  you, goodie  goodie for  me!                  this  genuine  fire  plug  used  in  the  City  of  El  Centro.
                                              Paul Konzelman         What a  conversation  piece!
                                     Charles  Chips of Newhall                                              Stan  Sierad

                     WE  USED  TO  SIT  TWO  FEET  from                       MANY  HAPPY  RETURNS  for  you  with
           2 03  our  6"  screen  and  thrill  to  "Your  Show       209  this  preparation  of  Federal  and  California
           of  Shows",  with  Sid  Caesar.  Buy  this  RCA  12"      tax  returns.  Individual,  partnership,  corporation,  or
           black  and  white  television  for  a  bedroom,  kitchen,   fiduciary,  take  your  pick.  Preparation  in  excess  of 8
           or anywhere  it's  needed,  because it's  portable,  light-  hours  will  be  billed  separately  and  out  of  state  re-
           weight and attractive.  Watch  it!                        turns  will  be billed  separately.
                                          Appliances Unlimited                           Kathleen A.  Christianson,  CPA
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16