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21  CHANNELS  of  basic  TV  service  for                 "WANTED"  A  FACE  LIFT  for  your
        2 2  9 12  months  is  offered  here  to  any  resi-     236 bath.  A blue  floral  fabric  lined  basket with
        dence  connected  to  Cablevision' s  system.  Includes   handle  and  padded  bottom.  It's  a  generous  12"  x
        connection if the address is  passed  by  the  cable sys-  14'',  and  to  accompany  it  there's  a  smaller  basket
        tem  (if  address  is  more  than  150'  from  system  win-  in  brown  fabric  and  eyelet.  Both  are  lovingly  hand
        ner must pay  excess for  distance  involved)  A return-  made,  and  can  be  used  for  your  hand  towels,
        able  $15  deposit  for  a  converter  will  be  your  only   soaps, etc.
        additional  cost.  Begin  service  between  6-9-84  and                                        Anita Harvey
                                               Cablevision                 PROCESS IT!  Use  this  $50  certificate  to-
                                                                 2  3 7  ward  your  word  processing  needs.  Don't
                                                                 let  that  job  weigh  you  down,  let  the  professionals
                 CHINA  NEVER  LOOKED  SO  GOOD!
                                                                 help  by  processing it  for  you.
        230 This  is  a  splendid  reproduction  of  a
                                                                                                       Vironex,  Inc.
        Charles  M.  Russell  original  painting  on  fine  Gorham
        china  with  solid  oak  frame.  Third  in  a  series  of  lim-
        ited  edition  plates  (No.  9800), this  beauty is  entitled      SHOW  THOSE  PEARLY  WHITES.
        ''When  Ignorance  is  Bliss''.                          238 Take  advantage  of  this  complete  dental
                                    Curt  and Joanne Darcy       exam,  cleaning  and  X-rays  for  two  people  with  one
                                                                 of  the  Valley's  dentists.  Make  an  appointment  and
                                                                 don't  be  afraid  to  smile.  Does  not  include  fillings  or
        2  ·31 FIFI  OR FIDO  WILL  LOVE  being pam-             other corrective  work  Use  by  12-30-84.
                 pered  from  head  to  tail.  Professionally
                                                                                        Dr. Robert Herring, Jr. DDS
        groomed  including  bath,  brush,  nails  clipped,  ears,
        flea  and  tick  dip  and  medicated  bath.  Use  this  $50
                                                                           IS  GNOME  IN  ALASKA?  No,  No,  no,
        certificate  for  above  services.  Pet services  are  priced
                                                                 239 Daddy-O,  but  these  gnomes  are  way  out!
        according  to  size,  breed  and  services  required.
                                                                 Way  out  on  your  lawn,  that  is.  Put  these  adorable
        Please,  no frowning  dogs!  No  cash  refunds, and use   gnome  lawn  ornaments,  four  in  all,  on  display  in
        by June  1, 1985.                                        your front  yard.
                       Plain  'n  Fancy  - All Breed Grooming
                                                                                               Black Forest Gnomes
                  ZIP  IT  UP!  This  ''wet-look''  black  nylon
        2  3  2 motorcycle  jacket  is  trimmed  in  red  and
        silver.  Size  small,  this  Answer  jacket  is  the  answer
        to  your outdoor apparel  needs.
                                     Answer Products,  Inc.

                  HOT  ROD  GOT  SOME  DENTS?  Im-
        233  prove  the  appearance  of  your  ''wheels' '
        with  this  certificate  for  $100  of auto  body work  Let
        ''Bill's''  remove  those  dents.  Your  Hot  Rod  has  an
        ego too - "if it  looks  good,  it  WILL  run  better!"
                                     Bill's Auto Body Shop

                  GET  THE  CONNECTION,  the  Video
        234 Connection  that  is.  Enjoy  a  lifetime  mem-
        bership  in  the Video  Connection video store, includ-
        ing  all  the  privileges  of  a  member,  with  a  50%  dis-
        count  off  non-member  rates.  For  $2  per  day,  bring
        your  favorite  movies  into  your  own  home  for  view-
        ing when you want.  Does  not include free  rentals.
                                     The Video  Connection
                                                                           GET  THE  FULL  TREATMENT  and love
                                             Newhall Store
                                                                 240  it!  You'll  receive  one  tanning  session,  one
                                                                  hour Swedish  massage  with  Sandy,  daytime  or eve-
                  WANNA  BE  POPULAR  with  the  neigh-          ning  make-up  done  by  Karen,  and  a  hair  cut  and
        235  borhood  pups?  Try  this  genuine,  original       style  with  Laura.  Call  for  appointment,  use  within  2
        fire  plug  from  the  City  of  El  Centro.  A conversation   months of auction.
        piece,  it  can  be  displayed  in  your  den  or  living                            Don Allen's Hair Studio
        room.                                                                 Massage  by Sandy,  Make-up  by Karen
                                             Herb  Williams                                       Hairstyle  by Laura
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