Page 14 - vhs2005yearbook
P. 14

I.  In  the  Jungl  ,     I hty  Jungle.  Sophomore  Msgana  Tamrat  went  to  Ethiopia
                 with  her  mothe  a   si  t  r  for  five  weeks  to  visit  family  and  her  parent's  old  friends.
                 She  also  saw   an  hi  o ical  places  that  date  back  to  before  biblical  times.   One
                · of the  places  th  y  i  it  d  was  the  extremely  green  and  natural  city  of Yirgalem  that
                 housed  animals            irds,  monkeys  and  hyenas.  In  order  to  see  the  landscape
                 and  the  hyenas,     n    nd  her  sister  climbed  this  tree  to  get  a  better  view.  2.
                 Too  much  fun,       s  h t  mean?     Seniors  Rory  Hunter,  Morgen  Landy,  Douglas
                 James  and  Nola  B  ck    n spent  five  days  of their vacations  in  Santa  Fe  and  had  the
                 best  time  of the r  i     3.  Up,  up  and  away.  Seniors  Matthew  Bernot  and  Curtis        '  ·t·-i  ·.
                 Baxter  took  a t  ip       Kennedy  Space  Center  in  Florida  to  view  a space  shuttle    ~/'
                 launch  and  sit  i         res  given  by  astronauts.  4.  She  bangs,  she  bangs,  yeah    <
                 baby when  she              moves.  Senior Jessica  Utvich, Juniors  Deidre  Moseley  and
                 Ashley  Winques            homore  Rebecca  Burzlaff  performed  as  back-up  dancers
                 for  American  Id     nt  s ant  William  Hung.  5.  We  are  the  youth  of  the  nation.
                 Over  the  summ  r,         Marissa  Bunn  was  chosen  along  with  30  other  teenagers
                 from  across  the  c       o  spend  two  weeks  volunteering  at  an  inner-city  school  in
                 Chicago.  This  p o   m  is  called  Hope  Youth  Corps  and  is  sponsored  by  her  church,
                 the  International  C       of Christ.  Through  this  experience,  she  gained  gratitude,
                 learned  to  be  gi  in     less  fortunate,  and  learned  to  always  show  compassion  to
                 others.  6.  Wh  's        house?  Seniors  Alexandra  Bond,  Jamie  Clark,  and  Victoria
                 • •  •          ••  I ( I  ..   ,  e  National  Park  for  a four  day  camping  adventure  where
                                            firewood  from  the  surroundings  and  by  taking  no  showers
                                            he  river.  They  visited  the  valley  and  saw  the  Half  Dome
                                             ol  that  h s

     student life
             ~, -  Jorge Torres
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