Page 27 - zontacookbook1985
P. 27

scorching.  Discard cinnamon stick.  Add 3 cups chicken broth,  stirring to
         scrape  up  browned  bits.  Remove  from  heat  Puree  in  batches  in  food
         processor or blender (can be prepared ahead up until this point).  Return
         puree to pot;  stir in  1 cup broth,  the half and half,  nutmeg and pepper
         Simmer 5 minutes or until hot If too thick, thin with a little additional broth;
         if too thin, simmer uncovered 4 to 5 minutes longer, stirring often. Garnish
         with celery leaves.  Makes 8 first-course servings.
                                                      - Janice Deutschman


         2 C.  fresh tomatoes,  chopped   1 t.  salt
         1 C.  green pepper, chopped     4 C.  tomato juice
         1 C.  celery,  chopped          4 T  wine vinegar
         1 C.  cucumbers, chopped        1 t.  Worcestershire sauce
         ½ C.  onion,  chopped           ¼  C.  white wine
         2 t  parsley                    garlic ( to taste)
         1 t.  chives                    pepper (to taste)
         4 T.  salad oil                 dash cumin

         Mix some of each of the vegetables and some tomato juice in blender, then
         place  in  container  Continue until  all  vegetables  are blended,  add other
         ingredients. Refrigerate up to 8 hours. Serve in chilled cups, and pass dishes
         of sour cream,  chopped boiled eggs,  and onion croutons for toppings.
                                                          - Carmen Sarro

         Gazpacho  Jl,capulco

         1 ½  cucumbers,  peeled,  seeded   3 T  lemon juice
           and diced                     ¼  C.  olive oil
         1 ½  large tomatoes,  peeled and   ½  t.  garlic
           diced                         salt
         1 medium onion,  diced          1½ t.  sugar
         1 ½  medium green peppers,  diced   ½  t.  ground pepper
         2 stalks celery,  diced         ¼  t.  MSG ( optional)
         3 cans diced Ortega chiles      1 C.  weak chicken broth
         2 T  cilantro, chopped          2 C.  tomato juice
         In a large bowl, combine cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, green peppers, celery,
         chiles  and  cilantro.  Stir  in  lemon  juice  and  olive  oil.  Mash  garlic  m  ½
         teaspoon salt. Add garlic paste, sugar, pepper, MSG, broth and tomato juice.
         Add 1 ½  teaspoons salt ( or to taste)  Chill. Serve plam, or top each serving
         with sour cream and diced  avocado.  Makes about 2 quarts.
                                                                 Pat Allen
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