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P. 6

1.0 Introduction

                   The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) was enacted in 1998 authorizing
                   Federal programs for highways and transit programs. Among other requirements, TEA-21 has
                   demanded that highway plans protect and enhance the environment and also promote efficient
                   operation of the transportation system. In fulfilling the mandates of the program, another key
                   component has involved The National Scenic Byways Program, which designates roads with
                   outstanding scenic, historic, cultural, natural, recreational, and archaeological qualities as All-
                   American Roads (AAR) or National Scenic Byways (NSB) (USDOT 2008). This report is
                   written in order to fulfill the overall requirements of the TEA-21 mandates and specifically to
                   provide an ethnographic consulting report for the D-07 TEA Archaeological Roadside Inventory
                   Project. This report is one of two ethnographic reports written for the D-07 region comprising
                   both Los Angeles County and Ventura County. This report specifically concerns ethnographic
                   findings in the Los Angeles county portion of the D-07 region.

                   Figure 1 Overview of Caltrans District 7 Survey Region

                   The indigenous peoples of Los Angeles maintain a lasting connection to the land. This
                   enduring connection partly is created through indigenous knowledge of culturally
                   significant plants and animals. This report describes the results of ethnographic

                   Caltrans D7 Region/Los Angeles County Ethnographic Consultation                      6
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